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The rest of the day was a blur. After the Oreo or death challenge the boys did, they went to change because they were soaked. Ethan was the first to come out, and again, he was in that dumb sweatshirt of mine. Amy has been playing music, but her and Katherine had left the room. I pulled Ethan towards me, I put his arms around my neck and my hands on his waist. We slowly started to dance, Ethan's face resting in the crook of my neck. Ruth B.'s Lost boy echoed off the walls as me and Ethan danced. He had a soft blush sprawling across his cheeks. I didn't notice Amy or Mark come in, all I could see was Ethan. He was at the center of my world, my sun, moon, and stars. He had the galaxy in his eyes, the in his hair, and his freckles were flowers rolling across a field of soft spring grass. He smelled faintly of bubble gum and mint. Once upon a dream by Lana del ray came on, and couldn't help sing along as I danced with Ethan.

"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem." I spun us around gently, Ethan following my lead.

"But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream

But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way you did once upon a dream." I tightened my grip and held him closer.

"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, that gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem." We were in a different part of the room now, waltzing over cords and dog toys.
"But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream..." I pressed a gently kiss to Ethan's lips as I pulled him closer. I was home, holding his small frame, his fragile body in my arms, his heart that I held. I've never thought I'd be here, with him, with anyone. He opened my eyes to a whole new world. I felt Ethan's heartbeat as we pulled apart. His eyes full of his childish nature, so brilliant and strong. We were still learning to love, how to break and fall. Five years. That's what it took to have the most amazing person in the world by my side. I'm never saying goodbye, I will be there every step of the way, through the darkest nights and brightest days.  I kissed him again, it wasn't long, but it had so much love in it. We pulled away, and pressed our foreheads together. A camera flashed, Ethan abs I jumped, not expecting Amy to take a photo. Ethan hid his face in my chest, his cheeks flushed with a red tint, his hand clinging to my shirt. I shook my head at him and turned my attention to Amy and Mark as another song came on. Amy always tried to take pictures of us. Ethan was already a shy person, and even shyer when it came to showing affection around other people.

But Ethan still clung to me, like a child and his blankie. He was too cute for his own good. We all hung out at Mark's for awhile, we told them about the new house, we could move in a week to two weeks, and I was very happy. They said they would help us move, and we all agreed. Ethan and I headed home after Tyler and Katherine left. Ethan was still clinging to me, which I didn't mind. I least I knew he trusted me. But there seemed to be something in his mind, I wasn't gonna push it, but I still wanted to know. I wanted to make sure my blue bird was okay. I rested my hand on his knee as I pulled out of Mark's driveway.

"Everything okay Ethan?" I glanced at him, then back at the road.

"I was just thinking about something..."He mumbled the last part.

"Please tell me Ethan, I want to make sure your okay." He wouldn't make eye contact with me.

"(M/N).... have you ever thought about us having kids? I just...I don't why, but I want to adopt one, give it a better child hood than what you had."

"Ethan, I would love to have kids with you. But, let's have the wedding and move into the new house, before we start thinking about that. We have to have our shit together, before we can bring a little kid into it, so we can give them as much attention as they need." I smiled, happy it wasn't something bad. "But what ages were you thinking? Genders, or how many? There's a lot to go through." I squeezed his knee, keeping my eyes on the road.

"I thought you were gonna say no." I could see him smiling at me. "I thought because of how young we are you woul-"

"I just want to make sure both of us are ready. A kid is a big responsibility. I don't want you to be overwhelmed. I love you, and I want to make sure your going to be happy Ethan."
"I love you too (M/N)." Ethan was holding my hand, his hands were always so cold. We pulled off the highway to our apartment. It was still pretty early in the evening, so I wasn't to concerned about getting to bed right away. Grabbed my stuff and then caught up with Ethan. He opened the door and stepped in. I dropped my backpack by the door and pulled off my shoes. Ethan disappeared into one of the recording room. I went to the bed room and started packing up some of my stuff. I labeled boxes and taped them shut, pushing them into a corner of the living room. I packed some of the stuff in the kitchen, like serving plates and the things we never really used except for holidays. Again, I labeled and tapped them, pushing them into the same corner of the living room. I ended up cleaning again, to be honest, I was really stressed. Between the house and the wedding, and then the thought of preparing for kids, my brain was fried. Not to mention my lack of sleep. I figured I'd record some more videos when Ethan was done. I needed something to get my mind off of things. My phone ringing jolted me out of my thoughts.


"Hey (M/N), this is Stacy, your real estate manager!"

"oh, what's up?"

I wanted to up date you on the house, you guys will be able  to move in on Sunday!  Four days and I'll drop off the keys."

"Coolio, thanks Stacy."

"No problem (M/N)!" I ended the call. I then sent out a message in the group chat, letting them know we were moving in Sunday. I packed up our DVDs, and the other little nik naks that were around the house. I wrapped them in newspaper and taped it to keep them together. I put the extra sheets, blankets, and pillows in a box. I rolled up rugs and duck taped them shut. Slender arms wrapped around my waist, Ethan pulling me into his small frame. I turned around and put my arms around him, setting my forehead against his. He was smiling at me, sleepiness covering his features. He was in pajamas, wearing one of my shirts which was much too large for him. I picked him up, caring him to the bedroom.

"Come on, you need some sleep blue boy. We've got a lot to do tomorrow, we get to move in Sunday." He smiled at me again as I set him down on the bed. I pulled the covers over him, kissing his forehead. I pulled in his phone and turned off the lights, shutting the door quietly behind me. I recorded some videos,  probably too many, but at least I wouldn't have to worry about it then. I went to bed after that.

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