The Mild Pain

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Izzy's POV

We were in the middle of a treasure hunt, and all of a sudden, I felt a dull pain near my belly button. It wasn't a sharp pain but it was dull. Maybe, it's just a stomach ache. I can survive past that. I was too busy thinking about the pain that I didn't hear what Cubby was saying.

"Izzy, were you listening to Cubby?" Skully asked me, and that's when I shooked my head.

"Eh, what?" I asked him.

"We're getting somewhere close to the treasure. Jee Izzy, you don't normally zone out of things, that's not like you." Cubby exclaimed. As he was right, I don't usually zone out of things unless I'm unwell or something, oh no, am I starting to feel unwell?

"She only zones out of things, when she's starting to feel unwell...wait, are you feeling alright, Izzy?" Jake asked me, as I don't even know if I'm feeling alright. I've just got a dull pain near my belly button.

"Yeah, I'm feeling alright...let's just carry on with the treasure hunt." I exclaimed, as I began to walk ahead but I was slowly walking behind them as this dull pain was starting to become sharp as I was clutching onto my stomach. I was starting to walk a bit wobbly, as all I want to do is lie in my bed.

"Izz, are you feeling alright?" I heard someone ask me.

"Izzy, what's wrong?" I heard someone else ask me. I'm starting to feel dizzy.

"Izzy! Watch out!" I heard someone scream for me. Why has my world became dizzy? I nearly fell but Jake and Cubby caught me as I was about to hit the ground. I started to feel unbelieveble hot. They helped me to sit down on the ground.

"Izzy, are you okay?" Skully asked me, as I put my hand on my head, I'm starting to get an headache. Jake was on one knee beside me as he his hand on my shoulder. I nodded but I looked at Jake, who had a look like 'I don't believe you.'

"Izz, you're not okay. You almost fainted but lucky enough, you didn't and it's a good thing we caught you before you hit the ground. What's wrong?" Jake asked me, as he was right. I'm not okay as I'm starting to feel a bit sick now.

"I have a dull pain near my belly button but it's starting to become a sharp pain." I exclaimed, as I started to clutch onto my stomach while trying to fan myself down. Jake puts the back of his hand on my forehead. I just want to lie down in my bed.

"She's burning up! C'mon Izz, we need to get you into bed." Jake exclaimed, as he immediatly took his hand off my forehead, I closed my eyes as I leaned into him. I couldn't walk anymore and Jake knew this as he picked me up into his arms like a bridal style and carried me back to Bucky. I leaned into his chest as he was still carrying me. Cubby walked beside us while Skully flying above us. We got onto Bucky and Jake set me down on Bucky.

Jake's POV

We were on Bucky as we were taking Izzy home and in the middle of the ride, Izzy covered her mouth with her hand. Oh no, it looks like she's about to throw up.

"Izz, you look like you're about to throw up." I say, as I sat down beside her while she was clutching onto her stomach.

"I think so...and it's coming up fast." She gulped as she covered her mouth again.

"Cubby! Get the bucket, Izzy's about to throw up!" I exclaimed, as I rubbed her back. Cubby grabbed hold a bucket and rushed over with it to Izzy. She grabbed hold of it and began to throw up in it. I took hold of her hair into my hands. She threw up for about five minutes.

"You feeling better Izz?" I asked her, as I rubbed her back. She shook her head, weakly as she leaned her head into my chest while closing her eyes. Oh poor Izzy, she doesn't deserve to feel like this. It's crazy as this morning, she was feeling well and ate her breakfast. How can a dull pain in her stomach cause her to feel like what she's feeling like now?

We made it back to the Hideout and Izzy got changed into her nightgown, well it's really a long top but it fits her perfectly. She came out of her closet as I helped her walk to her bed and I helped her get into it. She immediatly lied down on her bed while I pulled her covers over her. I couldn't believe how how hot her forehead was when I touched it, it almost burned my hand.

"Izz, I'm going to get the thermonitor to check your temperature, okay?" I asked her but she wouldn't answer me until I realised a certain girl was sleeping. "Izz...? Oh Izzy...what will we do with you?" I chuckled, as I stroked her cheek. She is so peaceful while sleeping. I quickly went to get the thermonitor in the cabinet in the bathroom, as that's where we keep the first aid kit. I also grabbed a cloth and ran it with cold water and squeezed the excess water out of it.

I walked back to our room and sat down next to Izzy, who was still sleeping, I put the thermonitor into her mouth while placing the cold cloth on her forehead to help her cool down, as I know her forehead shouldn't feel that hot. It took one minute as I took it out of her mouth. Her temperature is 98*c, phew as at least it's not 100*c.

"Hey Jake, I'm making Izzy some soup, how is she?" Cubby asked me, as he popped his head into the room.

"She's sleeping right now. I took her temperature and it's 98*c." I exclaimed, as I rubbed Izzy's side.

"Poor Izzy, which soup should I make for her? When she wakes up." Cubby asked me.

"She likes having Hot Chicken Noodle soup, when she's feeling unwell." I exclaimed, as I know what Izzy is like when she is unwell.

"Okay, just shout for me when she wakes up." Cubby exclaimed, as he began to walk away. 

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