The Medication

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Jake's POV
It was the morning and I looked at the schedule, I saw that I was the first one to give Izzy her medication. Izzy was still sleeping. So I walked over to her and I had her liquid medicine in my hand along with the medicine spoon. I gently shook her awake.

"Morning Izz, how you feeling?" I asked her.

"Tired. I just want to go back to sleep." Izzy exclaimed, groggy.

"Well can you please stay awake for your medication. I promise it will only take two seconds." I exclaimed as I put the spoon in the medication.

"Fine..." Izzy sighed as she sat up. I tried to put the spoon into her mouth but she wouldn't open her mouth.

"Cmon Izzy, please open your mouth." I exclaimed as she opened her mouth while folding her arms.

"Thank you for opening your mouth." I exclaimed as I took the spoon out of her mouth.

"Disgusting...!" Izzy exclaimed as she shocked her head.

"Here's orange juice to get rid of the taste." I exclaimed as I passed her the glass of orange juice as she took a small sip from it.

"Thanks Jake." Izzy exclaimed while she passed me the glass of orange juice and I put it on the table.

"You can go back to sleep now." I exclaimed as she fell back to sleep. I placed her teddy bear in her arms and she cuddled up with it as she smiled. I smiled.

I went downstairs and Skully and Cubby were watching TV. So I sat down next to them.

"Hey guys." I exclaimed.

"Hey Jake!" They both exclaimed.

"So did you give Izzy her medicine?" Skully asked me.

"Yes I did. She didn't want it at first but she had it." I exclaimed.

"Do you think she's going to get better?" Cubby asked me.

"Yeah but it's still a long way for her to make a full recovery but as long as she is resting, then she will get better faster." I exclaimed.

"Is she sleeping at the moment?" Skully asked me.

"Yeah, she's sleeping. Hopefully, she will sleep for a long time." I exclaimed.

"So who's turn is it next to give Izzy her medication?" Skully asked us.

"It's Cubby's turn next to give her, her medication." I exclaimed.

"Okay! So what medicine does she need to take during lunch?" Cubby asked us.

"She needs to take antibiotics, two antibiotics and then water to swallow it down." I exclaimed.

"Okay. Can you be there, just in case she will refuse to have it?" Cubby asked me.

"Sure Cubby." I said.

It was lunchtime. Me and Cubby were making lunch. I went upstairs with Cubby, just in case Izzy will refuse to have her medication. So Cubby gently shook Izzy awake.

"Izzy, Izzy, Izzy, are you ready for your antibiotics?" Cubby asked her.

"I don't want them. They will make my stomach hurt." Izzy exclaimed as she woke up.

"Izzy, they're only there to help you. Please let Cubby feed you." I exclaimed.

"Okay." Izzy said as Cubby got the two tablets out.

"Thank you." Cubby said as he put the first tablet in her mouth as she swallowed the antibiotic and she drank the water then she swallowed the next antibiotic and drank the water.

" stitches hurt me." Izzy exclaimed as she touched her lower right side of her stomach. I placed the cushion on her stomach to help with her pain.

"Izzy, here read a book. It should take your mind off the pain." I exclaimed as I passed her the book.

"Okay." Izzy said as she began to read the book.

"Jake, will that help her?" Cubby asked me.

"Yep because I know books make her feel sleepy." I exclaimed as books really do make her feel sleepy. Me and Cubby sat down next to her.

"Is the book interesting Izz?" I asked her.

"Yep but it's also making me tired maybe I'll just take a little nap..." Izzy exclaimed before she fell asleep. I slowly took the book out of her hands and put it on the shelf. Me and Cubby left the room, quietly not to wake Izzy up.

"I'm going to get cushions and blankets for her." I exclaimed as I went downstairs and I got the cushions and blankets for her. I came back up to her and I gently lifted her head up slowly and I placed the three cushions under her head and I placed the blankets over her. She looked so cozy. I decided to stay with her and read one of my comics. Just in case if she wakes up and she needs my help.

She woke up in the middle of the afternoon.

"Hey Izz, how you feeling?" I asked her.

"Still tired and in a bit of pain but I'm okay." Izzy exclaimed.

"Well that's sort of good to know. You will get better as long as you are resting during these three weeks." I exclaimed.

"How long do I have to stay in bed?" Izzy asked me.

"Only six more days then you can come downstairs with us." I exclaimed.

"Ugh, I hate staying in bed with nothing to do." Izzy exclaimed.

"Hey remember when I had chicken pox? I had to stay in bed and I couldn't see you guys. At least, you get to see us while you're in bed." I exclaimed.

"I suppose...hey, where is my teddy bear?" Izzy asked me as she looked around her and looked for her teddy bear.

"Okay Izz, don't worry, calm down. I'm sure we will find them. Just lay back. I'll find them." I exclaimed as I looked under her bed. Then I looked under my bed and then I walked them I tripped.

"Woah!" I exclaimed.

"Jake, are you okay?" Izzy asked me.

"I'm fine. Just your teddy bear made me trip over." I exclaimed as I got up and put her teddy bear on her bed and she put it in her arms as she layed back down.

"I'm going to sleep." Izzy said as she fell back to sleep.

It was nighttime and it was Skully's turn to give Izzy her medication. Izzy was awake but she really was tired.

"Ready for your medication Izzy?" Skully asked her.

"Yeah just give it to me." Izzy said as Skully fed her, her medication and Izzy fell asleep.

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