Chapter 1: A Bloody Lane

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Blood. So much blood. It was everywhere. The walls, the floor, beneath her. It was as if someone had flung a freshly painted, dripping towel everywhere in the living room. Her hand was limp, with the sparkly purple nail polish on her long, almost cat like nails looking like it had been done with a straw broom. It was all that I saw as I knelt in front of her house. It's the only thing I can see when I think of that day.

My gaze is directed right through the window, with my hands in my lap and flowers in my hand inflating my nostrils with their beautiful smell. My mind is blank, except for the thought of her screams on that night, as I sat in the cupboard, with her suffering only a few feet away. It was like a tattoo in my head, that was unable to be removed with whatever forces are known to mankind. Nausea whirs in the depths of my stomach, as I thought about that fateful day.

The day in which fate had decided to put its cruelty to use. The thought of him with his hands on her, with all the negativity that had been built up inside of him unleashing on her made me want to let everything out on the floor itself. The house remains abandoned, with dust gently resting on some of the artifacts and furniture inside.

My mind, at one point blank, is now a mix of emotions that is more of a mess than the actual day itself. Somewhere, deep down, I wish that I could've helped. It was far beyond my power, but it kills me to know that she suffered outside and I was stripped of any power to help her. I look over at Mason, who just is sitting on a bench, with a blank look on his face, similar to the one I possessed a few minutes ago.

The glaciers that everyone calls his eyes look shinier due to the tears that are melting from them. I rest my head on his shoulder, almost as like an instinct, and through the gentle beating of his Europe sized heart, I can feel it aching with sorrow.

Mason looks down at me, and gives me a slight smile to act as a mask to cover his sorrowful self. "I miss her, Mason," I say, in an almost eerie whisper, as I hear a soft sniffle come from him.

"I miss her too. So much. I can't believe it's been over 16 years," he tells me, as I pull my jacket over my body to keep myself warm. My thumb travels up to under my eye to swipe away a tear that formed and was ready to gently trickle down my face.

My eyes shift back to Mason, whose stare is still focused on the house in front of him. His eyes reflect nothing more than the memories of the fateful day. His breaths are sharp, with his blinking frequent. I see the pure hatred in his eyes for the person who caused this.

Yet, however, I know, deep down, he's thrilled. He's thrilled the person's life is enclosed on all four sides with bars and thick cement walls. I rest my head again against Mason's shoulder a little bit more, as a cold winter breeze whips through my hair and brushes against my neck, making me shiver.

The wind reminds me of him on that day. Cold, merciless, and he just swept in like it was nothing. He decided that it was the best time to come in and ruin my life, without any mercy or hesitation. He, of course, blessed me with Mason, but he took away another one of the most important people in my life. His actions are something that I don't think I'll ever forgive.

Without another wind blowing at us, I whisper, "Mason, I hate him. So much."

Mason looks down at me, and says, "I do too. I hate him with everything in my body. I promise, he's never going to touch you. Ever. Not when I'm around."

I smile at him, and say, "You know, it's been crazy. Really crazy. Can you believe it's been this long?"

Mason just gives me a sheepish smile, and says, "She would've been so proud of the woman you grew into today. I know it."

I just sit back a little bit more, and think, "I hope she is."


Ah, mysterious first chapters are the best! Any theories as to why the girl and Mason are sitting in front of a house, mournfully? And what's the nature of it? Let me know! (Some of you may already know the answer, and if you do, kindly don't spoil it).

Hey everyone! And it's here! The Secrets of Confessions was actually one of the hardest works I've ever written. This is probably the 5th version, because I just kept on rewriting it because I wasn't happy. I'm glad I got it out though!

I'll shut up now. Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Please vote/comment/share/follow/message if you like my work! See you in the next chapter!

Love you guys,


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