Chapter 15: Distance

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I'm staring at the wall, letting the tears flow out of my eyes. I feel like questioning everything about life right now. I want to scream, cry, rip things up, and just let it all out. I feel like someone has a key to a cage that's holding all my true emotions from escaping and revealing the true nature of how I feel. I want to disappear into my bed, letting all the sheets consume me so that I can cover myself from the reality of the situation.

As I'm wallowing in my bed, I hear a knock come at the door. "Go away, Mason," I say, pulling the sheets over my head. After everything that's happened, the last person that I want to see right now.

"It's not Mason, honey. Can I come in?" Sarah's voice calls through the door. Hearing Sarah's sweet voice is such a soothing contrast to everything that I'm feeling right now.

I take the sheets off of my head and say, "Yeah, you can come in." The door swings open, followed by her footsteps leading towards my bed. The bed dips under her weight, and her hand goes up to my hair to stroke it. I turn around to face her, and she just has a concerned look on her face. Her hand goes to wipe my tears, and I just give her a sheepish smile.

"Where's Mason?" I ask. It's not that I want to see him, but I'm wondering where he is so that I can face him as little as possible when I get out of bed.

"He went out. He said he had some business to do, but honestly, I think he just went to clear his mind."

"Clear his mind? He's the one who started this whole mess, and he wants to go clear his mind? What bullshit, honestly." I think to myself, angrily.

While Sarah's comforting me in bed, a thought strikes my mind. What if Sarah knows about this? I mean, Mason and Sarah are married, and Mason must have told her about this at some point. "Sarah, did you know about the whole affair thing?"

The look on her face drops a little bit, like a deer caught in the headlights. She gives me a guilty look, and says, "Not initially. I didn't know until we started dating."

"And you didn't bother to tell me?" A shocked look forms onto her face, and I just raise an eyebrow at her. So it's official. Both of my parents lied to me and kept this big secret from me. Disgust blooms from within me, as I convey it on my face to Sarah. "Now it's you too? Sarah, I deserved to know the truth. How could you hide it from me?"

Sarah gives me the same kind of look that Mason gave me, and I just say, "Please leave. I don't want to talk to you either." Sarah gives me another apologetic look, before getting up and walking out. My anger is at another high because Sarah decided to lie to me as well. She was just as capable of telling the truth, and yet she didn't.

I turn to face the wall again, but after around another 5 minutes, I hear another set of footsteps lead towards my bed. This time, a less strong pair of hands goes onto my side, and Nathan's voice whispers, "You're not mad at me, right?"

Guilt wrings his voice, even though he did nothing wrong in this situation. I can't help but smile at that a little bit, because Nathan is one of the cutest things ever, even though he will never admit it. I sit up, and face Nathan, who looks the least like a wreck in this house. I give him a smile, and say, "Of course not. You did literally nothing wrong."

He smiles, and then spreads out his arms in a hug. Because it's Nathan, I take the hug, and he just whispers, "I'm so sorry, Ashmita. They shouldn't have done that."

I smile, and whisper, "Don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong." I just sit there and hug probably the only person who I can't be mad at right now.

(The next day)

I stare at my computer, contemplating as to whether I should send the email or not. I think it's concise enough, but I don't know what the response is going to be. I need to do this. I need a decent source to talk to. He's the only thing that I have left, and the only person who I'm not mad at right now.

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