Chapter 33: Prep Time

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"Wait, where the fuck is this coming from?" Mason asks, as I sit down next to him.

"You know exactly where this is coming from," I say, and Mason's eyes widen when he realizes what I mean.

"Okay, to make things more efficient, let's switch to Hindi, okay?"

I nod, and he starts the conversation off. "You're being completely inefficient right now. How do we even know the person you suspect is right?"

I raise an eyebrow, and say, "How can we confirm our suspicions if we don't take the chance?"

Mason opens his mouth again to argue, but then he closes it back up when he considers how accurate my response is. "Goddamnit, it's really hard to argue with your child when they have a smart mouth."

"I shall take that as a compliment."

I pull out my little list that I've been making and check over to make sure that I haven't missed anything. I check off everything that I need for this event, and find that I'm missing one thing. "Ah, how could I forget?" I think to myself, as I write it down. "Mason, can you please call them up? I know it seems like a really weird request, but I'm telling you, it's the best thing that I can come up with. I know that I can really play my cards and get this person to confess if you just go along with the plan."

Mason raises an eyebrow at me, and I just raise one back at him. He looks so confused as to what to do, because he doesn't know how this will all go, but he's still intrigued at what will happen. He lets out a huge sigh, and says, "Alright, fine. I will try to get them all to come either this Saturday or next Saturday."

I smile, and then grab my keys to grab some things from outside. "How do you do it, Ashmita? You've got such a crazy imagination, and yet you still make me want to say yes to whatever you ask for. How you do it, I have no clue."

I turn around and say, "You can deny it all you want, Mason, but I know that you want to see the outcome of this as well."


Because I'm Indian, I'm cost efficient, so I'm looking for low priced things while still making sure the quality is great. I'm looking at things like chips, cookies, and drinks so that I can make things as perfect as possible.

However, there's one thing that I'm really worried about. I really hope that when Mason and Arjun see each other again for the first time in years, they won't stab each other, strangle each other, or perhaps both. I know Arjun can be kind of calm, but seeing the person whom your wife cheated on you with isn't the greatest sight to see.

"What's the worst thing that can happen?" I think to myself, as I continue to shop for all my items. I can almost hear the debating voice in the back of my head yell, "Dumbass, have you never heard of Murphy's law? Anything that can go wrong will go wrong? Don't be so overconfident."

I roll my eyes at that little voice, as I eye some sriracha. "Delicious," I think to myself, as I drop it in the basket. I make sure to get extra tortillas, because I know that Nathan has the appetite of a caveman sometimes and likes to eat them plain. I admit, I sometimes do that as well, but not as much as he likes to. Hoping that I didn't spend half of my fund on groceries, I check out and bring the groceries back to the car.


"I'm serious, please don't kill him when you get there," I email Arjun, as I pace around in my room. Mason was able to get everyone to come tomorrow afternoon, and I'm freaking the fuck out. I don't even know if everything is going to go to plan, but at the same time, that could lead to tons more opportunities.

It's at this time when something that I thought was completely useless is coming back and stabbing me in the face. "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." Half of me wants to take a baseball bat and beat it until it shuts up, but another part of me can't disagree with its accuracy.

Especially in scenarios like these, it's terrifying. I can't help but think that at the end of it, somebody is going to end up with a severe injury.

I receive a reply from Arjun, and it says, "No promises. But seriously, I won't try to harm Mason unless he points a gun at me. After that, it's fair game."

I chuckle, as I get back into the car and start to drive back. I let out a huge sigh, and think to myself, "Don't worry, Ashmita. Everything will come to light tomorrow. Just be patient. Good things are worth waiting for."

In this case, I better be served with something that's the equivalent of flying first class for the next ten years.


This is the shortest chapter that I've written thus far in TSOC. Same reason as last time. Nobody wants to be bored with unnecessary fluff. Also, Nathan's "caveman" appetite and Ashmita overthinking and bringing in Murphy's law is a mood, for me. Anyways, if Murphy's law fulfills itself, what do you think could go wrong? Let me know in the comments.

Hey everyone! How's it going? So Wattpad gave us word on the Wattys shorts contest that they're hosting. They haven't given the categories, but they will on October 1st. I'm hoping a novella is included, because if it is, then I'm set to enter Blooming Flower. I've got the summary and logline down, because I applied to Featured and stuff. We'll see!

Other than that, that's pretty much it. Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Please vote/comment/share/follow/message if you like my work! See you all next Sunday with a new chapter of TSOC! Have a great week!

Love you guys,


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