Chapter 39: Blended

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It's been a week since we asked Arjun to move in. Now that Nathan is at his therapy appointment, we can start moving things from his small, yet comfortable apartment to our big house. We still have to go through with the trial, as they have to formally prosecute Sarah.

Thankfully, there isn't much that we have to move from Arjun's apartment. It's small enough that we can move everything in one day, and even then, it doesn't take super long. We start in the morning, nice and early, and by the time the sun is just about to set, everything is moved in. It's tiring, but it's definitely worth it.

"I think that's everything. I'm glad that we were able to get most of his stuff in," Mason says, as he dusts off his hands.

I nod. "Yeah, it could be worse. We could have to deal with a mansion full of furniture to move."

Arjun comes up the stairs. "Ashmita, we're both Indian. You should know that 'cost-efficient' is my middle name. Well, Satvik is, but that's not the point. I would not own a mansion if I had a gun to my head. It's not worth it. Plus, it's too much cleaning, and I'm nearing 47. My back will throw itself out if I even start to think about something like that."

I chuckle, as Arjun sits down on the couch. Mason sits down along with him, and they both let out a huge sigh. "I think we're both too old for this. I'm surprised the stress from all this hasn't killed me yet."

I let out a sigh as well, and then remember that Nathan has to be picked up from his therapy appointment. I go to the counter where the keys are kept, and pick them up. "I'll go pick up Nathan. Do you guys want anything from outside while I'm at it? I'm probably going to take Nathan for some fries, but it's all up to you. I get you guys are tired, so I can call up for some Indian food."

Mason looks at Arjun, to which Arjun looks back at Mason. "I'm up for anything. It's food, and if it doesn't kill me, then I'll eat it. You?"

Arjun shrugs. "I don't know. Wanna get Mexican?"

Mason nods. "Delicious. Don't worry, Ashmita, I'll call up Chipotle. Take Nathan out for a drive though. I think he needs it."

I nod. "For sure."


Nathan walks out of the therapy clinic, looking a little bit relieved. I hope that he's not as standoffish as last time, because I really want this opportunity to talk to him. I want to be there for him, because this is such a weird time for him as a whole. His mom is in jail, and his dad let a completely unknown man move into the house. I get that it's tough for him, which is why I want to be there for him.

He opens the passenger side of the door, to which I greet him. "Hey, man. How was your session?"

He sits in the car, lets out a big huff, and then closes the door behind him. "It felt good. I was able to let most of my thoughts out, and that feels nice."

I smile, as I drive out of the parking lot. "You want to take a drive? You can play whatever music you'd like." Nathan perks up at this little opportunity, and he pulls out his phone to play music. It's mostly rap music, which I don't care about. It just matters that he's happy.

We drive mostly around the freeways. I'm glad that it's mostly empty around this time, because I don't have to worry too much about traffic. As we're driving back to our house, I realize that I'm really low on gas. I exit the freeway at our usual exit, and stop by at the gas station. "Give me a second. Let me fill up a couple of tanks," I tell Nathan, and he just gives me a slight nod. I see him lean over to his side of the window. I take out my wallet, open up the door to the gas tank, and stick the pump inside.

As I'm biding my time, I'm humming some lyrics for songs that I like. "Ghar more pardesiya, aao padharo piya." (in my home, foreigner, you're welcome) After what seems like trying to weave a basket with chopsticks, the pump releases, and I put it back into the holder. I take my debit card out, pay, and then sit back into the car so that we can drive around some more.

Before I can turn the key in the ignition, I notice that Nathan hasn't moved an inch from looking out of the window. "You okay, Nathan?" I ask him, as I look at him. He doesn't move an inch, as he continues to look out of the window at that moment. I put my hand on his shoulder, and he turns towards me. Tears are shining on his face, and his eyes are red and blotchy.

Concern sparks inside of me, as I wipe a tear that's shining on his face. "What's wrong?" I ask, as he turns away from me once again. He stares out the window, as I hear him sniffling to himself. Then, it hits me, and I feel a little bit stupid. "Hey, dummy, his mom got arrested for murdering your mom. You think he's going to be thrilled?" I think to myself.

I scoot in a little bit, and ask, "Is it because of your mom?" Nathan doesn't move a muscle. In an attempt to get him to talk to me a little bit more, I say, "Nathan, you know that you can talk to me. You know I never judge. Tell me, what's on your mind?"

I get that it's a tough time for him. Mason himself is struggling, as he's lost another woman that he loved, Arjun doesn't know how he's going to set his life in order, and Nathan's losing his mom. If anything, our house is a war zone at this point.

Nathan looks back at me, with even more tears on his face, and says, "It's not fair. Why do I have to witness my mom go to jail? All this time I thought that she was someone who couldn't kill a fly, let alone your mom. And now I have to watch her go to jail? This isn't fair! I wasn't supposed to lose my mom like this, let alone see her spend the rest of her life in a cemented cell!"

Tears start to form in my eyes, as I put a hand on his shoulder. I get what he feels like, but at the same time, I can't relate. I didn't directly see my mother die at my hands. But poor Nathan has to watch his mother go to jail for probably the rest of her life. He looks at me, and says, "I feel your pain now. To see your own mother ripped away from you. I didn't even see it coming."

I shake my head. "Neither did I. And you don't deserve this. I'm so sorry that I had your mom taken away at such a sensitive part in your life. I promise, I will take you to visit her in prison, okay?" I tell him, in a hopeful attempt to bring some joy.

Nathan shakes his head. "No. I can't face her knowing what she did to your mom. She's evil. I just feel so alone now. I only have you and Dad now. What do I do?"

I bring Nathan closer to me, in a tight hug. Tears start to run down my face, and I don't even fight them. I let them run down and let all the emotions flow out. I clear my throat, and say, "Nathan, I promise you. I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be there for you."


I thought this chapter was fairly important. So, Nathan's going through a tough time, understandably. I mean, poor guy has to watch his mom go to jail. I'd be a wreck. Is his reaction justified? Let me know in the comments.

Hey everyone! How's it going? So, we've made it. We've got one more chapter to go before we finish off Ashmita's story. I'm so excited to share it with you guys. I hope you guys like it.

So, I'm probably not going to publish some works for a while, because I haven't gotten far enough on any of my works to publish them. I'm that person who publishes works only if I'm absolutely, one hundred percent certain that I'm going to finish them. It'll take a few months, but I'll still be active!

Other than that, that's all I've got. Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Please vote/comment/follow/message/share if you like my work! See you guys next week with the last chapter of TSOC! Have a great week!

Love you guys,


The Secrets of Confessions ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon