Chapter 37: The Fifth Degree

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They lock the handcuffs on Sarah's wrist and lead her out of the house, as we stare on with a shocked expression. Nathan's in the house, somewhere, probably processing everything. Mason and Arjun are standing right next to me, as the police cars drive away from our house. I look back at Mason, who looks like he thinks this is all a big dream. "Back inside?" I ask, gently, to which he just gives me a slight nod.

I hold my head up a little bit, and go back inside so that I can process everything. I just caused my adoptive mom to get arrested for murder. My biological dad is innocent. Everything feels like a whirlpool around my head, and I just need a cup of coffee to process it all. I walk back inside, and Mason plops himself down on the couch, letting out a large exhale.

"Well, that was something, to say the least. I can't believe it still. I can't believe that my wife is guilty. I can't believe that I was married to a murderer for so long. But I can't believe that I endangered your life for so long, Ashmita. I can't believe that I married the woman who killed my daughter's mother. It's just... it's so much right now."

Guilt spreads over my face, as I look at Arjun, who just gives me the, "It's not your fault," look. I sit down right next to him, and put a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. "Mason, you didn't know. She put on such a facade for so long that it was impossible for any of us to know exactly what was going on."

Mason lets out a little bit of a sigh, and then gets up. He walks over to Arjun, and somehow, I hope that it's not to strangle him. Arjun just keeps on standing there, with a slightly neutral look on his face,  but with a sprinkle of fear, because who knows what could happen in the next couple of minutes. Mason comes up to him, and then starts on what I've been waiting for to hear for so long.

He lets out a sigh. "Well, I fucked up here. I just want to make this short and concise, because I hate things that are dragged out for too long. I jumped to a conclusion way too quick, and immediately judged you, when I shouldn't have. I also destroyed your marriage, because I was a horny asshole, and caused all this confusion with Ashmita and the paternity. Not to mention, I completely lied to Ashmita about the circumstances, which was a dick move. And the biggest one? I married the woman who killed your wife and my best friend. I married the person that stole fifteen years of your life. Fifteen years that were robbed of forming a relationship with Ashmita. I feel awful knowing that not only were they robbed from you, but you can't get them back. I know that I've fucked up a lot, but I just want to let you know that I really am sorry. I'm sorry for ruining your life and fucking up any chance of a relationship with Ashmita." Mason holds out his hand, and adds, "Bros, again?"

Arjun looks at the extended hand, and then back at Mason. A slight smile appears on his face, and then he takes his hand and shakes it firmly. "Bros," Arjun says, with a slightly satisfied tone in him. Warmth spreads throughout my entire body, as a smile forms on my face as well.

Arjun lets go of Mason's hand, and his gaze directs towards me. "I've actually got to give you props. You raised Ashmita, and she was the one who proved my innocence. Don't beat yourself up too much over this. You've done a great job."

Mason gives him a little smile, and then goes back into the kitchen, probably to get himself a little bit of water. "You know what's absolutely hilarious?"

Mason turns back to look at me, with a raised eyebrow. Curiosity blooms on Arjun's face as well. "What's funny?"

"Those 'diaries' that Sarah was ripping the pages out of weren't even my mom's diaries. I took the notebooks Mason got from his work, wrote down random Gujarati gibberish in there, and placed it because out of all of us, Arjun and I are the only ones who can read it."

Arjun starts to laugh a little bit, which leads to Mason cracking up as well. "Oh, that is absolutely evil, yet so smart. See what I mean, Mason?" Arjun cracks.

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