Chapter 38: Less Complicated

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After Arjun went home that night, we just ordered Thai food and called it a day. We were all too exhausted to deal with cooking and cleaning up, so we just decided to get something ready made and eat. Plus, I can't resist Thai food.

Mason has said that he's going to probably divorce Sarah after she's convicted, which is great. Nathan still hasn't really gotten over it, but I promised him that he can have therapy if he really needs it. But overall, things are still crazy. But, with Mason's approval, there's something that I can finally offer to Arjun, and hopefully it will put a smile on his face.

After I finish up work, which thankfully isn't super stressful, I head on over to Arjun's apartment. I was able to get his number at the party, so I texted him while I was walking through the halls at Facebook. I've got something to do, and it's a question that honestly is long overdue.

I pull my light coat a little bit tighter over my body, and look at the apartment building that's standing in front of me. It's refreshing to be able to visit my dad without having to hide it from Mason and be so covert about it. I'm glad I can finally go and acknowledge him without any layer of bias or hatred. I walk inside, and then text Arjun that I'm here and coming up the elevator.

Eventually, I hit the desired floor, and walk down the hallway to find his apartment. I knock on the door, and without even thirty seconds of waiting time, the door swings open. Arjun is standing there, and even though I haven't seen him too much, it's the first time I've seen him so happy. His dark skin has a new kind of glow to it, with his brown eyes having so much more life than I've ever seen.

A big smile is on his face, and it only grows bigger when he sees that it's me. "Come in, come in," he welcomes, and I walk in, as he closes the door behind me. Everything just feels so much more refreshing and freeing now that I don't have to stress about if Mason were to secretly come here or if he was waiting at home, knowing that I went against his rules.

"How have you been doing? I know it's been crazy lately, with college, and you're graduating soon."

I shrug. "Yeah, I mean, it's going fine. I've been working at an internship for Facebook lately, and that's been paying well. I'm just waiting until my classes are over."

Arjun nods, and gives me a gentle smile. "You look better. And I mean a lot better."

Arjun nods. "Yeah, I mean it's easier to sleep at night knowing that your daughter proved you innocent and that everyone who had accused me of being a cold blooded killer was wrong. I used to get so stressed at night, and especially when I first got out of prison, because I didn't know if I was going to get a job, or if I was going to be sleeping on the streets. It's a scary world out there, though it's so much better than prison. And even if I got the job, I was so scared that they'd let me go at some point. It's not easy to have a criminal record and be employed, even if the conviction is false. Trust me, these past few nights of sleep have been the best I've gotten in the last 17 years."

I nod, although I feel kind of terrible still. I went for so long thinking that my dad was a cold blooded killer, and turned him away when he came to build a relationship with me. My dad is just a good guy caught up in bad circumstances. "Man, that's rough. I feel terrible now. I can't believe I just thought you were a cold blooded piece of garbage."

The look on Arjun's face morphs into more of an understanding one. "No, no, it wasn't your fault. You were too young to judge me. Plus, you were surrounded by people who firmly believed it. I don't blame you, really."

I smile, and then his eyes widen. "Oh, you can sit down if you want! You don't have to stand for the entire time. My feet start to hate me when I stand for too long. Oh, and do you want anything?"

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