Chapter 17: Prove It

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Peace. That's the first thing that comes to mind when I'm talking about that night at his house. Sleep comes to me almost instantly. I'm so burnt out by all the talking that we did, plus all the crying that happened that I almost fell right asleep. The good thing is, he didn't come and stab me to death in my sleep. That's one thing that I'm grateful for. And that's one thing on a huge list of other items.

After brushing my teeth, I follow the smell of breakfast wafting through the air. After waking up, the one thing that everyone looks forward to is a nice plate of breakfast in the morning. Whether it be toast, cereal, pancakes, waffles, or any other delicious food, it's always the best way to start off your morning.

When I get to the living room, I see Arjun cooking eggs in a pan, waiting for them to get solid enough so that he has the opportunity to scramble them. He hears me walk into the kitchen, and after scrambling the batch that's in the pan, he turns around to see me standing there, in my pajamas, probably with the worst bed head ever.

A smile creeps up on his face, and he says, "Hey, good morning."

"Morning," I greet, as he pours the eggs onto a place with a few slices of toast.

"How did you sleep?" he asks me, as he goes over to the coffee machine to check on the coffee. I nod.

"Great, actually. The bed was super comfy, so thanks for that. How about you? The couch isn't that comfortable," I inquire, as he shrugs.

"I'm used to it. I didn't lose that much sleep anyways. Oh, how do you like your coffee, by the way?"

"With a lot of dairy products, and no sugar." He raises an eyebrow and then opens the fridge. He takes out a stick of butter and then cuts a pad from there to put in the coffee.

My eyes widen, and then I say, "Woah, butter? I thought you were going to put in some milk!"

He gives me a slightly sassy look, and then says, "Well, dairy products are a really wide spectrum. Specify next time." I roll my eyes at his smart ass remarks. Taking that into account, Arjun takes a milk jug from the fridge and pours some milk into the coffee.

He sets it down on the counter, and then points to the other side. "There's a stool over there. You can sit down and we can talk, if you want," he offers, as he places the plate of breakfast and the cup of coffee on the ledge.

I walk over to sit down on the stool and enjoy the breakfast that he made me. "Hey, can I ask you a couple of questions?"

Arjun cracks another few eggs in there, and says, "Of course. You can ask me anything."

I give him a slight smile, and I ask, "How can you afford all this? Last I checked, San Jose is NOT a cheap place to live. For someone who got out of jail on a murder charge, this is pretty luxurious."

Arjun gives me a slightly amused smile, and says, "There's a program where they help ex convicts get back up on their feet. I joined that, and I found a job that doesn't really care about my criminal past. It's a pretty decent paying job, plus I have a lot of savings in my bank account." I nod, out of understanding, and shove a forkful of eggs in my mouth.

Immediately, the flavors of the ingredients added melts on my tongue, which causes happiness to fill me from all corners. As soon as I finish chewing them, I ask, "Also, can I call you, 'Dad?' If that's okay with you?"

Arjun's eyes widen as he waits for the eggs to cook a little bit on the bottom. He comes a little bit closer to me, and says, "That's so touching. Yes, I'm more than okay with that. I didn't expect that you would become so comfortable around me so quickly."

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