Chapter 26: An Old Friend

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 "Sarah, come on? Why won't you tell me more stories about your past? I want to know more about when you met Mason, and when he proposed to you!" I ask, as I roll the lavash on the cutting board. 

Sarah looks slightly embarrassed, as she puts the food into the oven. "It's embarrassing! I was a complete klutz back then! I still don't know how Mason ended up marrying me, to be very honest." 

I look at her, with a slightly weirded out look on my face. "I'll be the judge of that. Now, tell me, what exactly did you do to make you think that you're a complete klutz?" 

Sarah smiles a little bit, as she remembers exactly what happened that made her seem like a goof. Granted, she's always smiling, but this one is a special smile. It's one that makes her reflect on all the good times that she's had with Mason, and how she just wants all of them to come back before she gets too old and possibly forgets everything that she once remembered was happy. 

"Well, for starters, when he came over, I nearly burnt the dinner, set a towel on fire, oversalted the food, and spilled water all over him. I was so scared that he would think that I was a total klutz, but he found it adorable, and requested a second date. Then, about three years later, he proposed to me, but not in the most conventional way. There weren't any firecrackers, lights, mystical dancers, nothing. He did it in the middle of our lawn, wearing a pair of sweatpants, and me wearing one of his old shirts, and just straight up asked, 'I hate really sappy love speeches. I'm going to make this short. Sarah, I love you. Marry me?' I got so scared that I ended up running back inside the house, stuttering 'Oh my god.' Well, he followed me back in, calmed me down, and then I agreed. Almost 15 years strong." 

I smile, thinking to myself how lucky Sarah is to find love like that. I mean, Mason and Sarah are pretty much like a power couple, and I'm glad that they are so happy together. I haven't been as lucky as I've wanted when it comes to love, but I've got time. A lot more than I would have expected, but it's still time nonetheless. 

I reflect back to my early college ex, whose personality was a bigger dick than his actual dick. Considering how he screwed around with another woman during our relationship, it was probably a good thing that I forgot him. "Ah, you've had a better love life than I probably ever will." 

Sarah nudges me a little bit with her elbow, and then I look with her. She has a confident look on her face. "Hey, just because Daniel the Douchebag cheated on you doesn't mean that all your future partners are doomed to cheat on you at some point. He was just one irresponsible asshole who couldn't keep it in his pants and took you for granted. You didn't deserve him anyways. There's plenty of men that are ready to drool over you. Don't worry," she said, with a reassuring look on her face. 

I raised an eyebrow a little bit, considering that Sarah is one of the last people that I would expect to make such a dirty joke in regards to my dating life. "I doubt that I'm going to go out to the bar and have people want to make out with me. For one, the bar is one of the last places that I want to go to alone. I always have someone like Usha or Mason with me. Second, if I want to drink, I just ask Mason for some wine and he's happy to give me a glass. Simple," I say, as Sarah takes the lavash out of the oven. 

"Fair. Oh, I should get some amazing wine for Mason for our anniversary. I think it will be the perfect thing for us to have while we celebrate our 15th year anniversary. What do you think?" Sarah asks, as I grab a plate. 

I smile, and then nod. "That's perfect. He'll love that," I say, as I think about how Mason will probably drink that whole bottle before Sarah gets to finish her glass.


"Can you grab a can of chilis right there?" Mason asks, as he pushes the cart. I grab the can and throw it in, as he examines his shopping list. "I think we're halfway done. You need your hygiene products, right?" he asks, to which I nod. 

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