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Angelo was not doing good in the past few days. He was frustrated and very irritated and he didn't want anyone to bother him. This was mostly because of the dreams he had been having, and they were really confusing him. Not just the nightmares, but the fact that he's caught himself daydreaming about Link. He didn't think much of it though, but he thought it was a bit weird.

It had been the second week of school, and he had already been in a fight, which did not look good on the Rossi family, especially the twins. And he had been suspended for a couple of days, and now he was back in school.

He opened his locker to see a piece of paper fall out of it. He quickly picked it up and unfolded it. He figured out that it had been a note from Link, and a huge smile creeped across his face.

Heard you were having a bad day, I hope you feel better. :)

From, Link

Believe it or not, small things like this made his day, and this note in particular made his day. Guess he had been smiling like an idiot for a while, because the warning bell rang to get to the next class. He folded up the note, closed his locker, and made his way to class. Surprisingly, on time today.

When Link saw him, a smile popped up on his face. He was glad he was back. And he missed him, even though he was gone for about two days from being suspended.

" 'Ey!" The blonde said to him, "You're back!" He felt alone without Angelo sitting next to him in English. He felt out of place.

"Yeah, I am," Angelo said to him. He paused, just to admire the smile on Link's face, but then he continued, "And I uh. . . Got the note you put in my locker. Thanks, I appreciate it."

"I gotta admit. It was pretty lonely without ya," Link told him, "I didn't feel right sitting on my own."

Angelo chuckled, "Well, fear no more, because trust me, I'm not getting suspended again anytime soon."

His mother would always go on these huge rants, saying that he can't miss school because he got suspended. That he needed to stop letting anger get the best of him. It bore him to death really, but he had to listen.

"That's nice to hear," Link told him, "By the way, I 'eard about a fight, and 'eard that someone beat Steve's ass."

"Well. . . Um, that was me," He said quietly, slightly sinking in his chair in embarassment, "I said something rude to me, so I beat his ass."

"Dude, no way!" Link replied in shock. Usually, everyone was afraid of Steve, but apparently, Angelo wasn't. "That was you? I saw him in the hallway that day and he was so bruised," He told him.

"He should have learned his lesson then," Angelo told him, "Don't mess with italians. We're violent as hell."

"Now I know," Link says, clicking his pen over again, "But seriously, the wanker deserved it. He makes fun of everyone because he's the 'King of 'awkins. '"

"That's bullshit. The dude is a huge scardy - cat," The italian laughed, "He shouldn't be the king of anything."

Link nodded in agreement. "Got that right," He answered back, "And I also know this. I know who to call when I need backup. Other than Lyla."

"Damn right, chico," Angelo said with a smirk on his face, "Call me up whenever I need to teach someone a lesson."

Then Angelo had gotten and idea. He grabbed Link's hand and wrote his number on it. That way, he could call him.

"In fact, you can call me anytime, chico," Angelo told him, "That's the number to my room." He gave him a flirty wink afterward.

'Did I really just do that?' The boy asked himself. But he didn't think about it too much. Maybe Link didn't think anything of it.


After school, Angelo and his siblings had already been home. He had been doing his homework when the phone that was on his nightstand rang pretty loudly, and it scared him a bit. He picked it up and answered. . .

"Angelo Rossi speaking," He said into the phone.

" 'Ello!" Link said, "It's me, Link. Just wanted to call ya,"

Angelo had completely stopped what he was doing when he heard Link's voice on the phone.

"Well, how the hell are ya, chico?" Angelo asked with a slight chuckle, running his hand through his hair.

"Doing great! Better now that I'm talking to you," The blonde admitted with a chuckle.

"Aww, you already missed me, chico?" The raven-haired boy giggled, "No surprise, but I'm already better talking to you, too."

"That's very nice to hear," Link told him. You could practically hear the smile when he talked through the phone, "What are you doing right now?" He asked.

Angelo sighed, "My stupid homework," He answered, "What about you?"

"Same here, Angie," Link replied as he curled the phone cord in his finger.

Angelo's smile returned on his face. That was the first time Link had called him by his nickname, and it sounded nice coming out of his mouth.

The two boys chatted all day long. They were practically best friends. There were some momemts that Angelo's mom called for him, and he responded, "Mom! I'm on the phone!" But other than that, it was nice talking to him.

Now, it was pretty late in the night and they had still been talking.

"My mom's yellin' at me to get off the phone," Angelo told him with a sigh, "I gotta go to bed real soon anyway."

Link nodded in agreement, even though the other boy couldn't see it. "I gotta go, too. Me stepmom is being an absolute pain. But we'll talk same time tomorrow?"

"Absolutely chico," Angelo answered, "Buonanotte, Link."

"Is that supposed to be italian for good night?" Link questioned with the smile.

"Mhm. . ." Angelo hummed in response, "Indeed it is."

"Well then, good night to you, too, Angelo." He said.

Angelo heard a small click afterwards. That had meant he had hung up, so he did, too. He laid back on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He hadn't smiled this much in ages.

And honestly, it was amazing.

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