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The two boys were in Angelo's room just hanging out. Right now, Angelo was teaching Link a little bit of Italian while he was there.

"Now, think about it like this," Angelo started, "Italian is somewhat similar to Spanish. But a lot of things are also different.

Link nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. "I never really liked Spanish," He chuckled slightly.

"Well, Italian is better anyway," The raven-haired boy replied, "So, do you remember the word I said when we first met?"

The blonde thought for a moment. "It was something like. . . Buongiorno, right?"

Angelo smiled at him, "Impressive!" He said to him, "It means good morning! Just a simple greeting we all use!"

Link felt super happy after that. He wasn't expecting to get that right. But it made him super happy. "That makes sense, and buonanotte means good night, right?"

Angelo nodded. "It does! Wow, sei cosi'intelligente," he giggled, resting his head on the palm of his hand.

Link leaned a bit closer to him. "What does that mean?" He asked, a slight smirk on his face.

"I said that you were smart," Angelo admitted, "You are very smart, Chico."

"Aww, you're sweet, Angie. . ." Link told him, "But I'm not as smart as you, you're bilingual."

"I wasn't always like that. I had to learn English before I moved here, you know," Angelo explained to him.

"But you're cool! You're very sassy, and you're smart!" Link replied.

Angelo felt a blush appear on his face. The boy didn't have anyone say that to him. He was speechless.

"Oh Chico. . ." Angelo started, "sei così dolce." A slight smile appeared on the boy's face. He thought that was very sweet of him.

"Well Link, sei incredibile. . ." The Italian continued, "You're the most sweet, most coolest guy I have met. I'm glad to have you as my amico. . ."

"That's very nice of you to say," Link said to him, "I appreciate it."


Angelo and Link were still there. No one hasn't been back at the house, so they were still alone, and that's when the Italian finally decided to shoot his shot.

"Aye Chico?" He started, "come sei adorabile?"

Link looked up. A slightly confused expression. "What?" He asked him, raising a brow.

Angelo chuckled, and he kept going with it.

"Sei proprio un tesoro," He cooed, "sei avvolto attorno al mio mignolo. . ."

"Angie. . ." Link whined, "Please speak English!" He wasn't that advanced in the language, and he wanted to know what he said.

The raven-haired boy knew what he was doing, and he knew he could say whatever he wanted and no one was here to stop him.

"Oh, cosa devo fare con te?" Angie hummed, "un prezioso ragazzo, potrei mangiarti."

"Okay this isn't funny, Ang," Link told him, crossing his arms, "What are you trying to saying to me?"

"Mi chiedo cosa succederebbe se ti baciassi il collo. . ." Angelo said, completely ignoring his questions, "Probabilmente ti marchierei, sarebbe mio."

"Angie this isn't fair! Teasing me with your Italian words," Link whined again.

Angelo only giggled, and he kept going once again.

"Farei sapere a tutti chi appartieni," he whispered. He then heard a gasp. Angelo turned around to see Vera standing at his room door.

"Angie, I didn't know you could be so dirty!" Vera said with a slight giggle, "You sporco ragazzo!"

"Shut the hell up, Vee!" Angelo cursed, covering his face with his jacket.

"What? What did he say?" Link asked Vera eagerly.

Angelo made it subtle, but he shook his head, telling Vera to not tell him.

"You'll find out sooner or later!" She giggled, "But I'm not gonna be here long, just needed to get some stuff! Bye guys!"

Angelo still had a red tint on his face, but he didn't regret any of the things he said. He was more confident when he spoke Italian. He wouldn't even think about saying that in English.

He was too shy when he spoke English. . .

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