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Angelo didn't prefer calling first unless it was someone he knew or liked. Link was usually the first, but this time, the italian decided to call him first, just to see if he was doing okay.

He was sitting on his bed, twirling the phone cord and waiting for Link to pick up. Then he heard the familiar noise when someone picked up the phone.

" 'Ello?" The voice questioned.

Yep, it was Link's voice alright. Even though Link ad Lyla had the same accent he could tell who was who.

"Saluti, chico!" Angelo greeted. You could hear the smile through the phone as he talked.

" 'Ey, Angie!" Link chuckled, "You seem a bit more cheerful than usual today. 'Ow are ya?"

"I'm great, actually," Angelo answered, picking up his sketchbook, "How are you?"

"Fine now, since I'm talking to you," Link told him, "Me stepmom is an asshole. Always yellin' at me."

He hasn't told him much about their stepmom, other than he hates her and that she's a pain in the ass. He kinda worried about him, too, while he was around his stepmom. Didn't know why, he just was.

"Havin' problems with her again, huh?" He asked her, "Why don't you just come over? You know mom wouldn't mind at all."

"I wish, but I can't today. She's makin' us clean the 'ouse today," Link explained to him. He honestly wished he could come over.

"Oh, okay then," He said quietly, "But you still have time to talk, right?"

"Oh absolutely! I wouldn't miss an oppritunity to talk to you. Not ever," Link told him, "You're the best part of my day."

Hearing that made Angelo's smile grow wider, and he felt a blush appear right on his face.

"That is very sweet, chico," Angelo replied, "You're the best part of my day, too." That was the truth. Seeing Link made his day.

"That's really nice to know," Link replied, "So uh, what're you up to, now?"

Angelo slightly shrugged. "Nothin' really. Just drawing in the old sketchbook," He giggled slightly.

"Again? Jeez, you're just like Ly, always have your head in that sketchbook," Link said, playfully rolling his eyes, even though Angelo couldn't see it.

"Mind you that art can be very interesting. And very calming depending on the art you look at," Angelo said back.

Link laughed, "Whatever you say, Picasso," He said playfully, "Enjoy your art."

"Art is very enjoyable, thank you very much," Angelo chuckled, "It's a very nice thing."

"I think I'll stick to the drums, thank you. It's more fun than art," The blonde replied.


As usual, Angelo and Link talked the whole day away. Even though Link had to ocassionally hang up so he could do what his stepmother told him to do. But he always came back to call Angelo, just to check up on him.

The blonde haired boy already thought of Angelo as more than a friend. A crush, you could say. But he never knew if he genuinely liked him back, or just flirted with him just to flirt back. But he didn't wanna worry about it too much.

It was now late at night, and the two boys were chatting again. This time about the Queen concert that was just days away.

"I seriously cannot wait for that concert," Angelo told him, "I've always wanted to see the band live."

"Yeah, me too," Link replied, "Ly and I 'ave liked 'em for a very long time."

"Me and Donna enjoy it. Not Vera though. She's more into the 70s disco. Like Abba. God, I hate Abba," Angelo told him.

"I mean, can't judge her for that. She's preppy," Link explained, "Preppy people kinda like that music."

"I mean, I guess you're right," Angelo said, beginning to yawn. He didn't wanna go to sleep though. He wanted to keep talking to Link.

"Aww, someone's getting a little sleepy," Link teased.

"No, I don't wanna sleep," The raven - haired boy whined, "I wanna keep talking to you!"

"As much as I wanna talk to you, we gotta get to bed. We have school," Link says, "Ugh, I can't believe I just said that. Anyway, I have to go, my stepmom is shouting."

"Alrightly, chico," Angelo yawned once again, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

Link was about to say something but then his stepmom came in screaming, and then the phone just hung up. Angelo thought that was very strange.

In fact, he knew that something was up. . .

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