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It was late, and the two boys were finally going home. One of the best memories they probably had was meeting the whole band. That was absolutely a great thing to experience.

The boys were laughing and talking about moments that stood out to them the most.

"You totally malfunctioned when Roger started talking to you!" Link laughed, "It was kind of 'ilarious."

"It's not my fault!" Angelo whined playfully, "My fifteen year old self came out and I didn't know what to do!"

"Well, I thought it was cute!" Link said to him, "I kinda liked that part of you. The way you giggled was kind of adorable.

Angelo's cheeks heated up at that comment. He didn't expect that. Well, he kind of did, but he liked hearing it anyway.

"Chico, that's sweet of you, but nothing I do is adorable," Angelo replied, "I'm tough! I'm not adorable!"

"Toughness was not what you displayed tonight," The blonde said to him, "You were a total geek back there, and it was cute."

The raven-haired boy rolled his eyes, his face bright red as he leaned his head against the window. He then let out a small chuckle.

"It was kinda funny that Freddie called you Roger by accident," Angelo said to him, a smile on his face.

"Well, I do look like him," Link says to him, "But being mistaken as Roger by Freddie? Now that's a whole different level. I was kinda honored."

Angelo laughed. "Honored? Is that how you put it? Don't you mean embarrassed?"

Link shook his head. "Nope. I was honored. I really didn't know if that would ever happen, but it did tonight," He explained.

Angelo was about to say something, but when they pulled up to the neighborhood. There was an ambulance in front of the Haywood house, and they both knew something was wrong.

Link had seen his stepmother and his father outside, but when he saw Lyla on the gunery, he freaked. He knew his stepmother had done something. She was already ticked off at Lyla for no reason.

Both boys got out of the car, but Link walked toward his stepmother, angry, scared and confused.

Angelo saw his mother and two sisters outside near their house. He guessed they were there because they wanted to see if Lyla was alright. He stood there with his family.

"What happened?" Angelo asked them, shocked as ever. He couldn't believe this was happening.

"We don't know! We just came out here to see if she was alright! And that old lady just yelled at us!" Donna explained to him, "She was mean!"

Angelo looked back to see Link walking toward his house. He comes back to see this? He felt bad, but at the same time, he didn't know this was gonna happen.

"What the 'ell did you do?!" Link said angrily, "You burn my sister up? What the 'ell is wrong with you?!"

"Don't you talk to me that way, boy!" His stepmother, Marianne, shouted, "Your sister had to learn a lesson!"

"She doesn't have to die because of it!" Link shouted back, "No one does that to their kid! You should be ashamed! Now, she might not make it!"

Then Marianne starts to swing at him. Usually, Link was a pushover when it came to this, but this time he fought back. He wasn't gonna get hit, not this time. And he was just angry, hurt, all of these emotions.

Angelo and his family saw the whole thing unravel before his eyes. The boy couldn't see Link's stepmother trying to hit him, so he pushed Marianne out of the way.

"Angie, what are you doing?" Link said to him.

Angelo could tell that the blonde was still pissed off. And who could blame him? He would be pissed, too.

"I'm trying to prevent you from getting hurt!" Angelo answered, "I don't want her hitting on you again!"

"Who the hell are you?" Marianne screeched, looking at Angelo. But then she realized he lived across the street, too.

"Oh, you're Alessandra's son," She sneered, looking him up and down, "She should be real disappointed in you. No wonder you're friends with Lyla."

"Well, you can suck my dick," Angelo sneered back, "How 'bout that?"

"Disgusting," Marianne growled, "You're a disgrace." She walked away after that.

"Hey!" Alessandra said, "Don't talk about my son like that!"

"Well, if you weren't such a bad parent, then he wouldn't have talked to me with such language!" Marianne said.

"Well you kinda deserved that," Alessandra growled, "And I love my son just as he is. You shouldn't change anyone."

Angelo and Link were watching the two moms argue across the street. "Your mom's great. . ." Link told him, "I wish I had one like her."

"Yeah, she's great. . ." He said quietly. He then looked up at the blonde. "Are you gonna be okay?"

" 'Opefully," Link sighed, before getting into the ambulance, "I'm gonna go with Ly,"

"Alright, call me, okay?" Angelo said to him, grabbing his hand.

"Will do," Link told him with a slight smile, intertwining his fingers with Angelo's, before he let go. The EMTs had to close the doors to the ambulance, and he watched it drive off.

He hoped that he and Lyla were gonna be okay.

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