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(The scene starts from the same spot where the director ended...)

Tharn: Type, why is it hard for you to tell those 3 words?

Type: Huh? It's not hard but I don't want...(looks into the eyes of tharn)

Tharn: (looking into eyes too) what? You don't want? (Frowns and turns his head away)

Type: hmm.. I don't w.a.n.t ...(brings the turned head towards front. Smiles)

Tharn: Type~

Type: ok. I don't want to lose its value by telling you everyday.

Tharn: (sighs)how will it lose its value? You make me feel so special.

Type: (raises his eyebrows) Then...
I will never see you in person but tell you those 3 words daily okay??

Tharn: Ae Type~ I don't mean that.

(Type walks away. Tharn tries to catch him up.)

Tharn: Type. Type! Sorry.

(Type smiles and holds his hand. )

Type: I love you.

Tharn: huh? Aww.. you told it.

Type: what? Should I not? Okay then I hate you! (Smiles) okay Tharn stay in touch. Don't take more time to receive my call. I will be back after a week. Have a great time with your family. Convey my regards to everyone. Bye.

Tharn: Bye. Take care. And please make sure your dad will accept me.

(Location : At home of tharn
Time : dinner)

Pa: Tharn, how are you? You have been out of contact for so long. I heard you rarely come home these days. Are you okay?

Tharn: kharb pa! It's just that type will be alone there in apartment so,

Ma: So, you forgot us? (Smiles)

Tharn: Mai, ma. How would I forget you people? It's just...

Thorn: you can bring him here too, isn't it Pa?

Pa: Chai. After all you have been together for 4 years now.

Tharn: kharb. (Blushes)

Thanya: P'thorn.

Thorn: hmm..

Thanya: I think I should stay at school before you find your partner because who knows you will also stop coming home like P'Tharn. 🤷‍♂️

Tharn: sorry, princess. But I don't mean to hurt you people.

Pa: (smiles) ok. Ok. Tharn where is type now?

Tharn: at his home.

Pa: Then, we are going too..

Thanya: oh! Are we Pa? Yeahhhhh....

Thorn: seriously Pa?

Tharn chokes on his food and drinks water.

Thorn: what's wrong Tharn? Are you okay?

Tharn: Pa.. I think.....

Pa: No thinking my son. I have holidays for 3 days so we will just enjoy as a family trip. We won't go for your boyfriend. That place has your boyfriend but we aren't travelling for him. So, pack your things. Early morning we are leaving. We will reach there for breakfast. (Looks everyone. Smiles) okay I'm done. Goodnight kids.

Thanya & Thorn : Goodnight Pa.

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