14. Lovebirds

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Thorn stopped and looked at Tiger. Tiger who had been following him automatically turns to other side.

Tiger : I wonder where I was going? (Scratch his head and steals a glance to thorn)

Thorn : stop pretending. I know you are following me.

Tiger : Oh! Yeah. Wow, what a beautiful day. I mean night. Pleasant. Calm. (Closes his eyes and feels the night breeze)

Thorn walks away.

Tiger : Close your eyes too.. (Opens his and is confuse not to see thorn) Oyeee.. how long are you going to make me follow you? (Looks to the crowd) where are you now? 😳 (walks slowly searching Thorn in the crowd)

Type : P'Tiger...P'kharp.

(Tiger was busy searching for his love so didn't hear type)

Type : Ai Tiger. Woh.. here ... here..
(Calls louder)

Tiger turned his head to the sound, saw type and went there.

Tiger : Ai Type. Did you...

Type : (interrupts) yeah, I called. I need to go. You stay here. (Gives apron to Tiger and runs away)

Tiger : huh .. huh.. Ai type. I .. I.. Hiyaaa this boy. Never listens. (Looks to the crowd again) I wish he is here. Wait..No..not that. I wish he finished his drink and will come here to fill. That will be easiest way.

Another waiter : sir, next round.

Tiger : What next round? No need to go with drinks. They will come here to fill their glass themselves now. You, help there at food stall. Look at the time. (Points the watch at the wrist of the waiter) what's it?

Waiter : 11:45

Tiger: Nearly time to pack now. 20 mins to go. So, you help there. I will start from here. Go..

Waiter: kharp khun.

(Tiger was eagerly waiting for the glasses to come)

Type : (grabs hand of tharn) let's go.. somewhere. I want you to be there.(smiles and runs)

Tharn : (following him) Type.. Type.. are you being naughty again. I can sense it. We better go to room.

Type : Nope.

Type took Tharn to that very place. The place that haunted his childhood. He knew only Tharn can erase those painful memories. He knew Tharn will save him from all those recurring nightmares and create a beautiful memory. After a few minutes run, they came to shabby place. At the gate, type stopped and looked at Tharn. Tharn was shocked to see the place. The place somewhat seemed like haunted.

Tharn : (looking back to Type) Type ....👉 this? Is this...

Type : Yes, Tharn! (He got his eyes watered. He was about to cry) this is the very place....

Tharn hugs his boyfriend tightly.

Type : (sobbing) Tharn... Tharn.. I know only you can save me now. 😭Tharn.. please Tharn...please save me from...😭

Tharn : shh... don't. Don't cry. (whispers) let's go. (Holds Type's hand after letting go from hug)😊

Type was scared. He hesitated. Tharn knew it. He kissed his holding hand.

Tharn : you are with me.

Still type hesitated to take a step. Tharn felt the heaviness of the pain in Type's chest.

Tharn : let's play a game.

Type : (confused) Tharn..😟 are you...

Tharn : Shh..🤫 I bought this home for us, wifey. How do you like it? (Looks to type for answer)

Type : (pulls his hand from Tharn and spanks him. Raises his voice and eyebrows) Who is your wifey?

Tharn : (chuckles and kisses his forehead) who do you think? (Winks😉)

Type : (looks at the house, blushing all over) I don't like the house.

Tharn : Hmm.. but the interior might be better... (whispers in the ear) for us..... to...

Type : Well I should see... (interrupts Tharn and holds his hand to lead him inside.)

Tharn was happy with the reaction. He was happy that he could help his boyfriend.
With the smile he follows his boyfriend.

Type : wait here. Let me go first and you ring the bell. (Goes inside the house and pretend locking the door. Tharn laugh heartily with that childish act of his boy.)

Tharn : let me know when you are done. Hahahah.  (Mumbles) I wish to get married soon. He is so adorable. (Smooch... gives flying kiss to the direction that type went) Type... are you ready? Can I ring...

Type : T..H..A..R..N.. save me.. T..H..A..R..N

Tharn startled.

Tharn: Type.. type.. are you okay type? (Rush inside to see type. He was shocked to see him all curled up and crying. He was struggling with himself)
Type... type.. I'm here. It's me Tharn! Type wake up.. look at me.. type.. look at me..( tharn tries to chin up type, but in vain)

Type : No.. No.. please leave me alone... Momma... dad.. save me.. No.. please leave me... it hurts.. it hurts uncle.. please. (Type was having his night mare again)

Tharn felt helpless but he hugged his boyfriend tightly and kept rubbing the back.

Tharn : Type.. it's Tharn..your boyfriend. Type.. I'm with you. No one will hurt you anymore. I.. I.. will never.. leave you type.. never ever.. type.. please look at me..😥 I love you.. I'm here for you. It's okay type. It's okay. I'm Tharn. (He keeps consoling his boyfriend)

Type : Tharn.. save me Tharn. Please save me. 😭 (pointing to the dark) save me from that monster, Tharn. It hurts.. tharn.. it hurts..

Tharn kissed his head slowly and deeply. Type kept calm. Type stopped talking but his eyes were still with tears rolling down his cheeks continuously. Tharn slowly uplift his chin, kisses his forehead and then his temples..
He stared into Type's eyes. Then slowly kissed his eyes too.. Type's tears stopped.

Type : Tharn~

Tharn: (whispers)I'm home, dear. I'm home. Let me reward you for waiting me. I missed you.(kissed the earlobes)

Type : Tharn I saw his face there in the dark.

Tharn : it's okay. You missed me and you imagined it. I'm here now. I'm all yours.

Type: (looked into his eyes. Took a long breath. He leaned forward) I love you. (Slowly kissed him on lips)

Tharn : show me the bedroom. Let my action reveal how much I love you. (Holds him in his arm in princess style) smooch.😚

Type points to the place he was raped. He knew Tharn will make it right. He will end all his nightmares.

Tharn : close your eyes..(kisses them)

Type closes his eyes. He still has those nightmares but he felt warm this time. He felt secure. He knew he will have the pain again but this time it will be different. Slow, sweet and longing will be there along with pain and of course with the showers of kisses. He knew he will cry this time too but the it will be the tears of joy.......

Meanwhile at the party spot.

Thorn : Sir, can you fill this?

Tiger gets up from the chair and is happy to finally see his heart.

Tiger : What do you wanna fill? Your heart? With my love?😄😘

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