7. Ai Tharn!

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After meal, Tharn went to his room. He was thinking what should be done to make Type jealous. Just then P'Thorn came into his room.

Thorn: Hey, why didn't you unpack your bag?🙄

Tharn: (smiles) I was about to. (Pulls the bag) Help me.

Thorn: (sitting on the bed) what is there to help?

Tharn: How should I make Type jealous?

Thorn: Huh? (Silence) Hahahaa

Tharn: (annoyed) P'thorn!!!! (Tries to lift his brother to get him out of the room)

Thorn: ok. Ok. Hahaha. Let me catch my breathe.

Tharn sat on the bed beside his P'.

Thorn:(looks to tharn for awhile) Just ignore him. You don't have to talk with him. (Pretend to remember) ahh...like you do in family gatherings, when we have guest.

Tharn: (tries to remember the family functions) oh..okay.😄

Thorn patted on tharn's shoulder and assured that everything will be alright.
After he unpacked his bag tharn went to Thorn's room.

Thanya: Aww.. P'Tharn. Did you feel lonely? 😉

Tharn: Hmm.. I missed you.( lifts Thanya)

Thorn: Liar..(looks at Tharn)

Tharn smiled and Put Thanya back on bed.

Tharn: P' you got books? I forgot to keep one.

Thorn: (hands one book) here you go. Goodnight. (Pushes away tharn)

Tharn: khapun kharp. 😃

(Lifts up the book in air and opens his room. Just then he remembered one thing so he threw the book on his bed and closed the door. He walked towards the counter. He saw Type near the counter. Type was happy to see his love. But Tharn walked pass him.)

Type: Oye.. he dare to ignore me? Ai Tharn!😡😡 (turns back)
Oww.. dad. 😄 how are you?

Dad : sabai di. What are you talking to yourself? And why are you angry?

Type: Oye.. it's nothing, dad. Nothing.🙅‍♂️ I just forgot the song's lyrics. So I was annoyed to myself. Hehe let me go to my room. Goodnight dad.😅(walked away)

Tharn: (to Tiger) P' khrap. Can you not bring breakfast tomorrow morning in my room? And there is no soap in the bathroom so can I get one?

Type: (looks to tharn) you dare to talk with him while I'm here? Fine, Fine. I will meet you in your room.

Tharn gave damn care about Type.

Type: (walking away) Ai Tharn! You ignored me? You will see.

Tharn went to his own room while type went to the room as told by Thorn.
He mistook Thorn's room as Tharn and went through the window. The lights were off. Slowly and steadily he crawled to the bed and hugged the sleeping boy from behind. As the boy was about to move Type put his hand to cover his mouth and whispered in his ear.

Type: Ai Tharn! You dare to ignore me? Why did you talk with P'Tiger, huh? Making me jealous?? Okay okay.. my love don't do this to me. You know I love you and missed you alot.

(Lights on!)

Type: Shiyaa Tharn! (Closes the eyes and his behind the back) turn the lights off.

Thorn and Thanya coughs. "Ahem, Ahem"

Type : (still hides behind and slaps on the shoulder) I said turn it off or should I turn you on?

Thorn: ahem.. (whispers) I'm thorn.

Type: (looks up and jumps out of the bed, smiles awkwardly.)😅😅 P'thorn... P'thorn...hehehe P'thorn...

Thorn: okay okay. ✋Tharn is in another room. Go..

Thanya opens the door to let type go. She giggled.

Type : khot khun khrap P' 😋 Goodnight!

(Went out and locked the door.)

Type: Ai Tharn!!🤦‍♂️

(Opens the door of tharn's room and he was shocked and angry.😲😡😡)

Type : Ai Tharn!!😳

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