13.Oh! my heart ♥️

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Type and khom were all smiley after sharing their respective love stories. They looked at their boyfriends. Far at the food stalls with P'Thorn, they were also laughing and god knows what for. Both boys looked each other while their eyes did the talking. They got up and cleaned their pants back. With a smile, they headed towards the food stall. Oh, how happy and contented they felt after sharing the stories.

Meanwhile busy Tiger searched for his brother.

Tiger : Huh? Khom.. why is this boy with khom now? (Muttering) I wonder what's going on now? He seems so happy and smiling. Oh, my heart, my heart.😳 is he....?

Costumer : Sir, hello..sir.

Tiger : 😊 okay. Okay. I get your order. (Fills the empty glass) here you go. Thank you for waiting. (Calls another waiter to take his place and takes his apron) type... typeeeee.

Thorn, tharn and Lhong were laughing as if they had smelled laughing gas. Type and khom joined them too.

Tiger : Oh! My heart. Why I feel like a heartbroken. See him laugh yet not able to Express my feelings, it surely is painful. I just don't understand why the hell this love has to be painful. Don't even smile my boy. This is painful for my heart. Oh! My heart. I'm sorry. Please control ya? (Consoles himself)
Type..Ai Type.

Type looked to the direction of voice.

Type : Oh. P'Tiger. Come, come.

Khom, lhong, tharn: P' kharp 🙏 (wais to tiger)

Tiger : swadee.. you guys seem so happy. (Steals a glance to Thorn.) Can I join too.

Everyone except Thorn : Kharp p'

Thorn : oh, okay boys. I need to for princess. She might be alone.

Tiger: (interrupts) I will go with you.😊

Thorn: No. You stay here. You want to join them didn't you?

Tiger : May be...

Thorn : may be??(scoffs) what's wrong with you?

Tiger : I don't know. Can you tell me?

Type, tharn, khom and Lhong: Awww..

Thorn : what's is with that? 😳

Thanya :(mutters herself when she hears her brothers' noise) oh, my brother. He had always been thinking about us and now when he's in that situation he even can't handle with it.

Everyone smiled to Thorn and tiger.

Thorn : What? I don't get it, boys.

Type : P' khrap. 😊 Nobody gets it when they are falling in love.

Everyone : kharp~

Thorn: oh please! I don't like boys.

Type laughs louder taking support to tharn's shoulder.

Thorn : what? Why do you laugh? I'm serious here.

Tharn : P'thorn, type used to tell the same. He doesn't like boys. He won't fall for a boy.

Khom : he said he even hated gays. 😄

Type : P'thorn that is the first sign you are giving..... as you fall for a boy.😉

Thorn : Nope. Say whatever you want, I'm leaving. My princess....(goes out of group, looking for thanya)

Type : All the best P'thorn. Make my brother hard to get you. 😄😁

Tiger : Ai type. Why would I go after him, when he's yours? (Grabs food from the plate that has been served)

Type: huh?😳 P'thorn? P'thorn isn't mine. Mine is Tharn.😊😍 isn't it Tharn? (Hugs Tharn from behind and rests his chin on shoulder)

Tharn: (blushes) nods.😊

Tiger : huh?😳 so, so that means Thorn is single?

Tharn : Yes. Because I haven't seen him around with anyone.

Tiger : oh my heart... oh my heart. Bless the boy. Tharn... can I go after your brother? Please?

Tharn : 555555(hahahhaha) sure. But don't blame me if he rejects you. And hope you will keep him loved as well as happy too.

Tiger : thank you. Away I go now... 👋 byebye now. I got works. Hehehe enjoy.
Thorn, my boy I'm coming to get you.

Thorn: Princess...(Goes to dad and mom) Pa, did you see princess?

Pa: Nope, she might be enjoying somewhere there. Why?

Thorn: oh, nothing much. You guys enjoy too. I will look for her.

Pa : Thorn... son, why don't you enjoy too. The weather is nice and there are foods and drinks. The environment is romantic too.( holds mum around the shoulder)

Ma : oh, pa... stop it. You don't have to start it again. He will enjoy on his own. Let him.

Pa : okay.. but I want him to enjoy rather than going after princess.

Thorn : (interrupts) I got it Pa, Ma. I will enjoy too. Thanks and cheers.

Pa : cheers my boy.

Oh! Oh! Watch out.. what are you doing? Thanya was told but she ignored it and hid behind a table.

Thanya : (from hiding place) swadee kha. I'm Thanya and I'm hiding from my brother. Shhh...🤫

Song : swadee kharp. My name is song kharp.

Thorn : Princess... princess..(keeps looking around with a glass on his hand)

Thanya : (whisper) that's my brother. Shhh..

Song : P'thorn?? Are you sister of P'Tharn?

Thanya : kha. Shh.. keep your voice low na kha.

Song : okay okay. (Song gets startled with a thud on his table)

Thorn : Have you seen princess?

Song : princess? 🤔

Tiger : his sister, Thanya... we call her princess.

Thorn : oye... how came you here?

Tiger : that should not be the question. We are searching for beautiful.

Thorn : she is princess. Not beautiful. Don't you bother.

Tiger : she is beautiful for me like she is princess for you.

Thorn: why? (crosses his arm and faces tiger)

Tiger :(smile) because for me you are my princess. 🥰

Thorn : hey..you.

Song : (stands up holding up his plate) I think I'm the third wheeler. I better go.

Thorn : you sit. I will go. (Turns around and goes away)

Tiger : (smiles to song) sorry.. I'm after him. Isn't he cute?

Song nods his head and sits down.
Thanya comes out of her hiding place.

Thanya : thank you P'....

Song : it's song.

Thanya : oh. Song.

Song: why do you have to hide?

Thanya : So they can be together for more time.. 😉

Song : you want them together?

Thanya : kha.

Song : Are you being cupid for them?

Thanya : kind of...😁

Song : (pushes his plate of food towards her and wais) please help me to find too. I'm alone. Look there..everyone is with their partner. (Point to group of tharn)

Thanya : (takes a leg piece of chicken) you got to look at your surroundings more. Love might be around. Love doesn't come informed. It just happens.
🤷‍♀️. You have to feel it.

Song: feel it? Huh? Why can't I feel it then? (Puts his hand over his heart)

Thanya : simple. You are all over food, that's why. 😁

Song : oh my heart!😳

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