15. The End

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Thorn was startled to see Tiger. He left the glass and walked away. Tiger tried to followed him.

Tiger : Hey you, you pack everything now. I will catch you later ok. And tell uncle, I'm nearby.

Tiger rushed behind Thorn, but still missed him in the crowd.

Tiger : Oh! Where did you vanish again? (Looks around closely)

Thorn : Lhong..Did you see tharn? I can't find him.

Lhong: Tharn? I just saw Type took him by hand. May be ...... overthere. (Points towards the exit)

Thorn : What?? Are you sure? (Looks puzzled)

Thanya : P' kha. I am going to sleep with parents today.

Thorn : Oww.. princess. No, you should sleep in our room. This tharn...at this hour where should he be gone. Oyee...

Thanya : (seeing his brother irritated) P' thorn kha, let me sleep with parents na kha. You share with P'Tharn kha. Because P'lhong might need P'Tharn's room.

Lhong : Awww.. that's so sweet of you, princess. (Hugs Thanya)

Thanya : Goodnight kha..P'.

Thanya went to parents and Lhong took his drunk boyfriend to Tharn's room as per directed by P'Thorn.

Everyone were slowly going to their respective rooms bit Thorn was still waiting and searching for his brother.

Dad : Hyaa... This boy. Tiger..Tiger!

Tiger : kharp, Uncle. You called me?

Dad : Where is he?😡

Tiger : I'm still searching. He just to came to fill his glass. Now he vanished.

Dad : Hmm.. You search for him. Go. And take him with you to sleep in your room. You boys got to share the room today. There are two other guest.

Tiger : Oww.. you support me? Thank you uncle. (Hugs his uncle) you're the best uncle. 😘 (Runs away)

Dad : Why is he so happy to share a room with his brother? What is with this this idiot? (Chuckles)

Tiger : My heart. Where are you? My uncle supports us. (Whistles)

Thorn was sitting under the tree.. and Tiger joined him after finding.

Tiger: Why are you here alone? Are you waiting for me?

Thorn was amused, was about to talk

Tiger: You are so cute and also romantic...waiting for me. 😍😍
(Tries to hug him but thorn stops him)

Thorn: Who said I waited for you? Why would I wait for you? Did I not say I'm not gay?Why did you follow me again?

Tiger: Stop.. stop. What is this? Am I giving an interview, now? One question at a time. Okay start. We have whole life to spend. Why hurry? Relax.

Thorn: My brother is found nowhere and you say i should relax? Idiot.

Tiger : Your brother is with his love. Why disturb them? Can we go now?

Thorn: why would I go with you?😏

(Stands up and walks away)

Tiger: Oyee.. But my uncle says we need to share room.

Thorn : (turns back and grabs his collar) Why? I'm not doing it.

Tiger: (smiles) your choice. But my uncle supported us.

Thorn without listening to tiger went to his room. Opened the door.

Thorn : Shiya... Song! Get out of my bed.

Drunk song was lying on the bed covering whole area.
Thorn tried to push Song out of the bed but in vain. Song was too heavy to be moved an inch.

Thorn :(angry look to Tiger) Aren't you going to help me?

Tiger : oh sure... (Goes near the bed. Looks to song and to thorn)

Lifts Thorn in bridal style.

Tiger: Let me help you to go to bed.

Thorn:( struggling in tiger's arm) Put me down. I said put me down.

Takes Thorn to his room and puts slowly on the bed.

Tiger: There you are my love.

Thorn: (stands abruptly) who is your love?

Tiger: (moving closer and looking right into his eyes) You! (Pouts his lips)😘

Thorn turns his face other side.

Tiger kisses him on cheeks.

Thorn sits down on bed. Tries to grab the blanket within his hand reach.

Thorn : I think I should sleep.

Tiger : Oh..You don't need to be hurry. We can wait for that.

Thorn blushes. Speechless

Thorn : wh..oy.. what .. who... i mean.. why... Aaahhh. I'm sleeping. (Covers his head with blanket) (suddenly uncovers) You .. You sleep at couch. Not here.

Tiger: Couch will be small for us.

Thorn: Huh? I said... I'm sleeping on bed.

Tiger : (shrugs)🤷‍♂️

Tiger goes outside to Type's room which is next to his room.

Leaves his phone with timed audio.
Comes to his room.

Tiger : okay, Goodnight love.

He Switches off the light. Covers his face and waited for the response.

After few minutes, erotic sounds were heard. Thorn was wide awake. He was shy and all blushed.

He slowly peeked to Tiger.

Tiger was sleeping with his face covered. Little did he know that was taped audio which Tiger left in another room to arouse Thorn. Tiger was chuckling to himself.

Thorn: (throwing out the blanket of Tiger's) Who is in the next room?

Tiger : (supressing his laughter, moves his head sideways.)

Thorn : (looks him in suspense way)

Tiger : Why do you need? They are having a good time. Let them be.

Thorn: You come out with me.

Tiger is frightened now. What if Thorn take him to the room and found out his mischievous act.

Will that be the end?
Will Thorn end his love?

Knock.. knock

Tiger: Who is it? (Looks to the door)

Opens the door.

Thorn: Princess...How came you are here? (Looks sideways to see if anyone is coming)

Thanya : P'Tiger kha. Your phone. (Hands the phone and goes away) Goodnight kha. Enjoy.

Tiger was astonished to see little girl save him. He thanked her in his heart.

Thorn : You, Will you come out? I need to talk..

Tiger: Did he know? What will he do? Will he end it? Scold him or....??

With a fearful mind Tiger followed Thorn out of his room.🥺

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