xiv. gingerbread house

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Love Affair - UMI

A/N: In regards to what I'm doing for Patreon, monthly updates will now continue. I will be releasing a new chapter in March. If you're interested in reading ahead on Patreon: patreon.com/Fudgecakexox



Murmurs soon turned to whispers, vowels and consonants coming together like beads on a thread.

"Sí, sí... mis disculpas, hubiera preferido conocer a un hombre como usted en persona, pero ya hice los arreglos previos. Permítanme compensarlo con usted."

[Yes, yes... my apologies, I would have preferred to meet a man such as yourself in person, but I already made prior engagements. Allow me to make it up to you.]

Drowsily, I peeled my eyes open. Blurs of colour stretched in front of me and I adjusted my aching neck from the awkward position I'd fallen asleep in. I didn't know how long I'd been out for but it felt like hours.

"Espero que aprecies nuestra... compensación por tu silencio. Estoy seguro de que beneficiará a su empresa de más de una manera."

[I hope you appreciate our compensation for your silence. I'm certain it will benefit your company in more ways than one.]

I turned my head and found Synn beside me, a phone in his hand and the other resting against the steering wheel, but it seemed like he hadn't noticed I was awake yet. We were parked along my road, a few houses away from mine. Stretching my legs, I let out a soft, quiet yawn to myself. The action made my knees smart and I winced. I'd forgotten about the playground incident.

"Ahora que usted pregunta, me gustaría aprender sobre uno de sus contratos con un hombre llamado Lorenzo. Lorenzo Lovato Alvaréz. Dime, ¿cuáles fueron tus tratos con él?"

[Now that you ask, I'd like to learn about one of your contracts with a man called Lorenzo. Lorenzo Lovato Alvaréz. Tell me, what were your dealings with him?]

There was a severity to Synn's face as he spoke, one which I was unfamiliar with. His dark brows sloped downwards into a serious expression, his usual soft mouth having drawn into a hard line, and a veil of frost was cast over his eyes. Avidly, I watched his lips move and his deep, authoritative voice crept into my being. It fascinated me how easily he commanded attention, whether it was from his imposing physique or the low rasp of his words when he asked for something.

A moment later, he looked at me.

His eyes softened.

The action sent warmth flooding to my cheeks and I smiled, albeit bashfully, and patted my feet on the mat in front of me. It seemed like he was having an important phone call. His voice continued to reverberate through the car while my fingers curiously wandered to the gearstick and small buttons beside it. Fiddling with the dials, I grew absorbed by the fascinating gadgets of the car to the point where I forgot where I was and didn't hear Synn put his phone down.

A few minutes later, I was interrupted.

"Are you having fun?"

I pulled away from the control panel and looked up with wide eyes. He was staring at me, a glitter of amusement in his gaze.

"Sorry," I smiled nervously, "Your car is pretty."

"So I've heard." He tilted his head, necklace dangling from his tattooed neck. "Did you sleep well?"

"I-I think so. What time is it?"

Synn glanced down at the silver watch wrapped around his thick wrist. "Just past five."

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