The Starbucks Girl

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Everyone imagines having an amazing boyfriend, a huge house, and a great job. Well, this is the real world so snap out of your fantasy. Bella Raceli wants to become a doctor and attend a university. Her parents work hard, but they cant afford to send her to the university that she wants. So for now, Bella is working at Starbucks in London. It's a pretty boring job to Bella.... that is until one interesting day. A guy named 'Bob', comes in for a drink..... but the things is he isn't any normal person. This guy is part of a famous boy band by the name of One Direction...... no his name is not Bob. His name is Liam Payne. This one tall Caramel Mocha, can change both of their lives forever.

Author's Note:

So thank you for taking time to read my Fan Fiction. I would like to say, I like to hear constructive criticism however, I do not like to take hate. Any hateful comments will be deleted. Please remember, I am not a prefect writer, we all make mistakes. Other than that, please enjoy!

All my works are copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This Copyright cover all prologues, epilogues, and stories itself. All of the covers for the stories are made directly to fit the stories. They are copyrighted to their rightful makers.

Copyright © 2012 LemonLime1

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