Prologue Part 2

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(Summer POV)

I was sat next to the boy. He was still unconscious on our sofa after Yang knocked him out. He didn't seem to be badly injured but he wasn't waking up. Yang was feeling very guilty and kept coming over to apologise to me but I told her every time that I wasn't the one who deserved an apology.

A few hours passed and Tai had set the girls to bed. He too had gone to bed and urged me to do the same but I refused to leave this poor boy alone for even a second. I felt something pulling myself towards him, call it motherly instinct. My waiting paid off at about midnight when his eyes flickered and he looked over at me.

???: "H-h-hel-llo." He stammered.

Awwwww that was so adorable. Focus Summer, he's finally talking. Make the most of it.

Summer: "Hello there."

???: "W-where am-m I?"

Summer: "You're in my house sweetie. Don't you remember what happened?"

He looked down and frowned. He looked back at me with tears in his eyes and I felt myself reaching towards his face to wipe them away. He stiffened but let me do it anyway. At least I'm getting somewhere.

???: "I-"*Sniff*"I don't remember anything."

Poor thing. It must have been when he hit his head. (Yeah, I'm using the Goku origin story). I wonder...

Summer: "What's your name?"

He thought for a second before bursting out in tears. I grabbed him and pulled him close. He definitely wasn't that violent and capable boy I'd seen earlier. He was just a scared little boy who didn't know where he was

I sat there hugging him and watched the minutes tick away on the clock on the wall. He was silent for a while then said something that made my heart melt.

???: "Are you my mummy?"

What do I say? I can't say no, that would destroy him. I can't say yes though, what if his real mother finds him and he starts to ask questions. What do I do? I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS! Try again I never expected this.

???: "I'm s-scared. I w-want my mummy."

I don't care what problems I'll have to deal with. He's my son now. I've decided. I'll treat him like my own son. He deserves it.

Summer: "Don't worry baby, mamma's here for your." I whispered as we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Time Skip to morning.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw my little boy curled up in my arms. He looked so calm and peaceful. I want to know why he was out in those woods but I won't push my new son. Plus he doesn't even remember his name the poor thing. What kind of name should I give him? F/n sounds like a good name..yeah, F/n Rose. I mean what are the chances that was already his name?

I felt a slight movement underneath me and looked down to see something I didn't expect. I saw a brown tail swaying gently from side to side in time with his breathing. It brushed against my stomach and I felt a slight shiver run through his body. I wonder why I hadn't seen it before. I gently held it in my hand and felt F/n stiffen. Is this his weak point? I gripped it tighter and he began to whimper in pain. Okay, don't touch his tail.

His eyes flickered when I let go of his tail and I watched him wake up. He rubbed his eyes cutely before looking up at me from where he lay. A cute and small smile crossed his face and I couldn't help but smile back.

Summer: "Good morning, F/n."

He tilts his head. Aww he's so cute.

F/n: Is that my name?"

Strength and Pride (Rwby x Abused Saiyan Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt