Our Hearts [A J.Bieber Story] Ch. 4

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Ok, I don't know what it was but for the past three days Lila was the only person I bothered to hang out with, and when her brother left with her parents, it made things better. I haven't taked to Ryan for days and I had like 30 unread texts just from him. I took Lila to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows yesterday. I didn't say anything but I knew she cried at the end, it took all my manlyess to not cry too. Now I was just sitting around waiting for Lila to get back. She had gone out with my mother, her parents, and Clay. I had to stay home doing chores. Yes, chores. Lila's parents didn't have much effect on my mother.

I flipped through channels on the tv. Hannah Montana? No. The Vampire Diares? No. Degrassi? No. Titanic? I almost settled on that but then I changed my mind. It seemed like everything involved romance and for some reason it made my stomach go all fuzzy. I crinkled my nose. Ugh. I was so bored and whenever I thought about doing something my thoughts just flickered to Lila. I decided to just lay back and relax, let my thoughts flow, anything but Lila. I just couldn't. No matter what I thought about I just couldn't stop thinking about Lila. I sighed and took out my notebook. Guess I would try to scribble down some lyrics, maybe a new song idea will come in mind. So that's just what I did. I scribbled down some random lyrics.

Before they outlaw the kiss, baby give me one last hug.

It's like an angel came by and took me to heaven.

Don't have a care in the world, why would I when you are here.

When I stare in your eyes, it couldn't be better.

I don't want you to go.

Dont be scared, girl I'm here.

Don't shed a tear cause whenever you need me, I'll be here.

That was all I had so far and instead of lyrics, it seemed like I had scribbled down every thought I've had since the day I saw Lila. I sighed. I might be going crazy. I just didn't know it was crazy-crazy or Lila-crazy.

I closed my eyes and tried to get my thought away from Lila. It just never happened, not even in my dreams.


"Justin? Psst, wake up. Justin?"

I moaned. I could feel someone breathing over me. I opened my eyes. Lila.

"Mm, morning." I yawned.

She looked confused. "Morning? Justin, it's 9 o'clock at night."

I was suddenly up and alert. "What?"

She snickered. "That must have been a long nap you took." She took a seat by me. "What's this?" She asked as she took my notebook off the coffee table and read over the lyric ideas I had scribbled. Lyrics. Lila. Oh no.

"Those are, um..." I didn't know what to say. I just ran my fingers through my hair and avoided eye contact. I felt like a coward.

Lila crinkled her forehead. "Are these lyrics?"

I nodded without looking at her.

"Nice." I heard her mutter. "Who or what are they about?"

I choked on my own spit. "Um," I coughed. "They're, uh, about this girl I met." It wasn't completely a lie. I snuck a peak at her. She had placed the notebook back down on the coffee table but her eyes didn't leave it. She didn't look very jolly like she always did.

I cleared my throat. "How was your day?"

She broke her gaze from my notebook to look at me. "It's was fun."

I nodded. "Nice." I thought for a second and then sighed. "Listen, Lila, do you maybe want to go grab some ice cream? I'm not really tired & I could go for something cold, unless you're tired."

Her eyes seemed to lit up. "No, I'm not tired. That would be nice." She smiled. I was relieved to see her smile.

I flashed her a smile of my own. "Ok then, shall we head out?" I opened the front door for her and we headed out.

* * *

Ok, so we were eating Baskin Robinice cream at 9:30 at night. Who cares? I was with her.

Lila stuffed a spoon of cake batter ice cream into her mouth. She closed her eyes, probably enjoying the cold, sweet taste of the ice cream.

"Mmm." She smiled as she opened her eyes and took another bite of ice cream. "Delicious. I missed Baskin Robins."

I smiled. "Better than Fro-Yo's?"

To my surprise, Lila shook her head. "No way, this girl doesn't trade Fro-Yo's for all theBaskin Robin'sin the world."

I snickered. "Wow, I didn't see that one coming."

She laughed. "If it just me or our we the only ones in here?"

I looked around. She was right, we were alone except for the girl behind the counter cleaning out the ice cream tubs.

"Wow, I hadn't noticed." I took a spoonful out of Lila's cake batter ice cream while she wasn't looking. To my disappointment she turned around just as I stuffed it in my mouth.

She gasped. "Justin!"

I grinned. "Sorry, it's just so good!" I observed with my mouth full.

Lila giggled. "You owe me." She dug her spoon into my cookie dough ice cream and stuffed it in her mouth.

She made a face. "Mine's better."

I rolled my eyes. "Not at all."

She laughed stuffed her mouth with the rest of the ice cream.

"We should be heading home," I suddenly said. "It's 10:12."

Lila nodded. "Yeah, my mother's going to kill me if when she realizes I'm missing."

I threw away the remaining of both our ice creams and we headed out. It was cold outside but I hardly noticed through my hoodie. But Lila felt it. She was only wearing a tank top and shivering like crazy.

I didn't even ask her. I took of my hoodie and placed it over head before she realized what I was doing. I was left with only a plain white t-shirt.

"Justin, what are you doing?" She asked trying to take off the hoodie but I didn't let her.

"It's cold out plus we just ate ice cream. You looked like you would freeze over any minute."

Lila chuckled. "Yeah, I guess your right, but now you look freezing to death."

I shrugged. "I'll be fine, don't worry."

She just smiled. "Thanks, Justin."

"No problem." I smiled back, almost wanting to put my arm around like I had that day in the mall, except I didn't want to do it as just friends.

I resisted the urge to take her small, delicate hand in mine and to look into her eyes and to run my fingers through her beautiful, brown hair...

I shook away the thought. Control yourself, Justin.

Conrtol yourself.

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