Scene 1 "Captains Office" - HSC Battlecruiser Book 2 - "Planet 2110"

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Scene Starts

The Captain decided to go over the mission briefing in his office. He had Sr. Officer Kathrine Bird "Science Officer", Sr. Officer Tina Baker "Deployment Officer", and Arian alien species. The Captain wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page.

Captain: So what is the plan of action Baker?
Sr. Officer Baker: Well Captain we were able to locate the planet in the database.
Captain: How did you manage that?
Sr. Officer Baker: Well Arian was a big help with that. She was able to update the information on the computer. So we have all the planets in the Andromeda Galaxy uploaded into our system. The planet she comes from is categorized as "Planet 2110".
Captain: Planet 2110 okay.
Arian: We call it Arianhood. My parents named me after the planet.
Captain: Arianhood. Okay.
Sr. Officer Baker: So apparently the Regits didn't capture the whole planet, they captured the section of the planet where the Arianhood's put their space ships.
Captain: Okay. That is smart it controls the only way in and out of the planet.
Arian: Yes, it is.
Sr. Officer Bird: The Regits are very good strategists, but what they gain in that, they lack in other things. For example, they're not too quick on their feet. A good plan of attack on one section of the planet to draw their attention would leave an opening for us to take back the airbase.
Captain: Sounds like a great plan. What are your thoughts, Baker?
Sr. Officer Baker: I agree with Bird, and I feel this is the best course of action.
Captain: How many shuttles and crew members are we talking?
Sr. Officer Baker: Based on Arian's description, we are looking at maybe 3 shuttles and about 30 crew members.
Captain: That's a lot!
Sr. Officer Bird: Sir, for it would take three crew members to handle one Regit.
Captain: Oh, wow, I had no idea they were that much stronger. Okay, let's get this mission started. How much longer before we arrive at Planet 2110?
Arian: Based on the current position and speed we're heading we will be there in 2 hours.
Captain: Okay Baker, Bird you don't have a lot of time start to round up the crew members needed for this.

Sr. Officer Bird, Baker and Arian the alien got up out of their chairs and headed towards the door.

Captain: Bird can you hang back for a minute.
Sr. Officer Bird: Sure thing Captain.

Sr. Officer Bird moves out of the way of Arian and Baker as they pass by. She turns around and is standing at the chair in front of the Captain's desk. The door's closed behind her.

Captain: Bird, have a seat.

Sr. Officer Bird sits down in the chair. She looks at the Captain and is trying to understand why he held her back from the group.

Sr. Officer Bird: May I ask what is the wrong Captain?
Captain: I hate to ask this of you, but would you be able to go on this mission with us?
Sr. Officer Bird: I don't understand? You want me to go on the mission?
Captain: Yes, I feel your knowledge of the Regits could be valuable to the team and help out.
Sr. Officer Bird: Sir, you realize that I've never been on a deployment mission like this. Most of the time it's just for research and studying.
Captain: Yes, I know it isn't normal for you, but you won't be going down there alone. I'm going to be going with you.
Sr. Officer Bird: (Shocked) Sir! That goes against protocol!
Captain: I understand, but I refuse to let my crew go down there on my command if I won't be going with them. I'm going to leave Winchester in charge while I'm away. So get your things together and meet in the shuttle bay.
Sr. Officer Bird: Okay, Captain. If that is what you wish. I will do that.

Sr. Officer Bird got up from the chair and headed out of the Captain's office. The Captain spins around in his chair. He looks out the window. He starts to admire the stars. He has been so busy with everything going on, he hasn't even noticed the stars. He looks at the grand scene of the stars sparkling and the planets glowing. He starts to get lost in the beauty of space. It reminds him of his main reason for joining the space division. To explore the unknown and to see extraordinary places. The Captain stares at the stars for another hour.

Scene Ends

HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 "Planet 2110"Where stories live. Discover now