Scene 4 "Planet 2110" - HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 -"Planet 2110"

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Scene Starts

The shuttle is approaching the airbase. The Captain is looking out the window at the other shuttles on either side of them. He motioned for them to take their course. They dropped low to the ground just right above the tree level. This is so that if they have any radars on it will not show their position. The Captain looked back to see the Cadets holding on to the handrails as they were waiting for the back door to open. Arian was standing towards the back of the line looking very worried and upset.

Captain: Okay, Cadet Smith. How much longer?
Cadet Smith: Will be at the drop point in five minutes. Everyone get ready.
Captain: Thank you, Cadet, we'll see you at the rendezvous.
Cadet Smith: Good luck Captain.

The Captain nodded his head in agreement. He got up and grabbed his laser rifle and held the handlebar in the back. He looked at Sr. Officer Bird and Baker. They seemed ready and on top of things. The thoughts going through the Captain's head were flooded with past missions and when he was a Cadet on the deployment team. He remembers the butterfly's in his stomach and the thought of not making it back home.

Cadet Smith: Okay we've reached the drop-off. Door's opening.

The shuttle lowers to the landing zone. The back door opens immediately and the cadets start to get out one at a time. As soon as they were off the shuttle they made their way to cover. When they reached the tree line they turned back to see if the shuttles made it. The Captain sees all three shuttles take off towards the stratosphere. He looks across the field and sees the signal from the Officer leading the other two squads. He turns around and catches up with Sr. Officer Baker.

Sr. Officer Baker: (Whisper) Okay, let's keep our voices down. The Regits have exceptional hearing.
Captain: (Whisper) Baker you have the lead. I'll bring up the rear.
Sr. Officer Baker: (Whisper) Okay let's go.

The crew heads through the dense forest. The dense forest reminded some of the crew members of a place they learned about in school. The old rainforest of South America. It was hot and muggy there. Not too mention the wildlife was booming as well too. They had Arian stay in the middle of the group. She helped guide them through the forest and get them to the airbase undetected. As they are on the tree line looking out on the open airbase. They counted a total of 20 Regits patrolling and standing watch on the airbase. They looked for the signal to see if the other cadets had made it to the destination.

Captain: I don't see the sign. Do you?
Sr. Officer Baker: No I don't.
Sr. Officer Bird: You don't suppose they had been captured do you?
Captain: I don't think so. We would have heard the laser fire. No, they may have had a harder time getting through the forest. Let's just give them a few more minutes.
Sr. Officer Baker: Okay we'll give them five minutes then we have to either go or abandon the mission.
Captain: I agree.

As the squad awaited for the other squad to show up. Sr. Officer Bird caught something on the other side. Her vision was way better than the other crew members. On the bases that she is not a human, but a Drapoel. They're much like the Regits, but instead of looking like earth's tigers, they look like earth's leopards. Skilled and cunning they are a worthy adversary plus they're extremely intelligent.

Sr. Officer Bird: I see them, Captain. They made it.
Captain: Great, okay. Is everyone ready?
Everyone: Yes, Sir!
Captain: Okay, Baker you've got lead on this. Arian, you stay back until we see the coast is clear okay.
Arian: I can do that. Please be careful.
Captain: Sure thing. Baker, your signal.
Sr. Officer Baker: Let's go.

HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 "Planet 2110"Where stories live. Discover now