Scene 10 "Bridge" - HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 - "Planet 2110"

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Scene Starts

Sr. Officer Winchester is coming out from the Captain's Office. He relieves Sr. Officer Ryder. Sr. Officer Ryder takes the Cadets spot on the pilot chair and sends him to his quarters for a break. Sr. Officer Winchester is pondering what Baker just informed him about the plan of attack.

Sr. Officer Ryder: So what's the plan, Winchester?
Sr. Officer Winchester: Well, it would seem that the Regits have one scouter on the surface of the planet and the Captain is thinking that if we take the HSC down there that it could give the Regits a scare and force them to retreat.
Sr. Officer Ryder: Sounds like a huge gamble. I love it.
Sr. Officer Winchester: You would. So we are to wait for the signal to go down and try and draw fire on the Regits. Hope it works.
Sr. Officer Ryder: Well it sounds like a plan, I mean how many Regits can be down there?
Sr. Officer Winchester: Baker said they already killed about 25 Regits. Estimated of course, but they think there is probably about 10 to 15 remaining. I guess the Captain, Bird, and Baker are going to try and pick off some from a cliff overlooking the Village.
Sr. Officer Ryder: Oh, el Captain and chica's blasting at a few Regits. Man, I miss all the fun.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Next time Baker plans a Deployment mission I'll recommend you get to go.
Sr. Officer Ryder: Now we're talking sir.
Sr. Officer Winchester: I best let Vine know of the status. Computer, please get me Sr. Officer Vine on the com.

Just then the doors to the bridge open up and Sr. Officer Vine comes walking in. Winchester is so focused on the mission that he didn't hear the doors open. She approaches the chair and stops next to him.

Computer: Sr. Officer Vine is currently on the bridge.
Sr. Officer Winchester: What? That is not possible. You call her now.
Sr. Officer Vine: What's up Winchester.

Sr. Officer Winchester jolts with a sudden movement. Sr. Officer Vine gave him a pretty good scare. He takes his hand and puts it on his chest and takes a few breaths.

Sr. Officer Winchester: Computer cancel that request. Vine, what you trying to do give me a heart attack?
Sr. Officer Vine: I didn't think it would be that easy for our Security officer?
Sr. Officer Winchester: Well I've got a lot on my mind right now.
Sr. Officer Vine: So you were going to call me, what's up?
Sr. Officer Winchester: Well I just got word we are going to be giving ground support in the HSC. I wanted to check with you to see if the engines are going to be okay for us to go into the atmosphere of the planet?
Sr. Officer Vine: Yes, they're working at 100%.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Great. If you can spare yourself in the engine room. I would like you at your station on the bridge when we do this. I don't want anything to go wrong in the event we need to get out of there.
Sr. Officer Vine: I understand, no problem. I can do that.

Sr. Officer Vine went over to her station on the bridge. Just then the doors to the bridge open and Doc comes walking through. He walks over to the other side of the chair where Winchester is sitting.

Doc: So how are things going?
Sr. Officer Winchester: We are waiting for the signal to take the ship down to the planet for some cover fire.
Doc: Man do I know when to walk into a room.
Sr. Officer Winchester: I'm glad you're here to Doc, we shouldn't sustain any casualties or damage to the ship, but just to be prepared. If we should get shot at if there is any crew that gets hurt you may want to be prepared.
Doc: Okay, I'll head to Med bay and get things ready. How is the deployment team doing, any casualties or injuries?
Sr. Officer Winchester: No injuries, but we lost nine cadets.
Doc: Nine! Oh, man. How is the Captain handling it?
Sr. Officer Winchester: I don't know. He hasn't talked much to me other than to have me scan the planet. He is having Baker handle the instructions and delegations. I guess he doesn't feel I can handle it.
Doc: I don't think that's it. He seems like he is a man who delegates things to his officers and he trusts you with the ship. He is not telling Baker to undermine you, but to have her do her duties just as you are doing yours.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Doc, you don't have to give me the psych lingo. I know why the Captain does what he does.
Doc: I understand. Well, I'll be on my way. Good luck Winchester and if you ever need to talk to someone. Remember I'm not just a medical doctor, but a trained therapist.
Sr. Officer Winchester (Snap): I'm fine Doc, just get ready. We will be getting the signal any minute.
Doc: Okay.

Doc heads towards the doors of the Bridge. He knows the frustration that Winchester is feeling because he has the same thoughts, but he believes that the Captain isn't not telling Winchester because he doesn't trust him, but because the Captain delegates his work to his crew. It will take time for Winchester to see this and know it isn't a bad thing. Doc continues to the medical bay deep in thought.

Scene Ends

HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 "Planet 2110"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ