Scene 2 "Shuttle Bay" - HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 -"Planet 2110"

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Scene Starts

The is assembled in the shuttle bay. It is where they keep all their shuttles at. The bay is rather huge in fact it makes up a fraction of the ship besides the engine room. The Cadets are all lined up for assembly as Sr. Officer Tina Baker starts to give them the drill.

Sr. Officer Baker: Okay, so the pilots are going to do a drop and go on the airbase. They'll fly us in low as to avoid detection. Then once we reach the end of the airstrip they're going to drop us off and we're going to head for the tree line for coverage. The shuttles will go back into the stratosphere of the planet as too avoid detection from the ground. Once we've taken control over the airbase, then we'll re-group to come up with the next course of action. Yes, Cadet do you have a question?
Cadet: Will we get any base cover from the Battlecruiser or any shuttles?
Sr. Officer Baker: We will not be bringing the Battlecruiser down for any support. We can't run the risk that the Regits see it and try and destroy Arian's people. Everyone be sure to stick close to your squadron leaders.

Just then the Captain comes walking through the shuttle bay doors with Sr. Officer Katherine Bird. They were wearing their deployment uniforms. which were like a flight suite type of clothing, but the upper body area is a little thicker. It's equipped with blast shields that act as a vest for protection. They both were carrying the standard laser rifles that the other Cadets were assigned with. Sr. Officer Baker caught them coming at the corner of her eye.

Sr. Officer Baker: Sir, I must disagree with this. It goes against every protocol.
Captain: Baker, I refuse to allow my crew to go down there on my orders without me. I've asked Bird to come along for added support with the Regits. Where is Arian?
Sr. Officer Baker: I had her go ahead and get on the shuttle. I felt it best if she was with me on the lead.
Captain: Good idea.
Sr. Officer Bird: Baker, may I tell you're crew something about the Regit before we launch?
Sr. Officer Baker: Sure thing, I would be honored if you did.
Sr. Officer Bird: Cadets, and Officers. The Regits are a very strong opponent. They are a species similar to me, however, we lack in the physical aspect and harness our minds, but the Regits are 100% physical. Let me also warn you they are very intimidating. The best way I can describe them is they look like a bi-pod tiger. It was an earth cat species back in the day. If you're familiar with them imagine that, but a lot beefier and dangerous. I know this may sound really bad, but like I said where they gain in their strength they lack in brains. So if you think quick on your feet and make smart decisions it will catch them off guard. If you stick together you all will get through this. Thank you, Sr. Officer Baker.
Sr. Officer Baker: No problem Sr Officer Bird. Well, you heard the Sr. Officer, let's get in our shuttles and let us head out.

Sr. Officer Baker headed towards the lead shuttle. The Captain and Sr. Officer Bird headed with her. The Captain watched as a large portion of his crew were headed into their shuttles. He knew that some of them may not make it home. However, he was going to do his best to try and make sure they did. The crew assembled on their shuttles and the shuttle doors started to close. The airlocks hissed as they were shut. The shuttle bay doors were opening up. The shuttle bay was protected due to a shield barrier that was keeping the artificial gravity and oxygen maintained. They fired the shuttle engines and started to lift off. They flew out of the shuttle bay door and off towards the planet. The lead shuttle was equíped with six Cadets, Sr. Officer Bird, Baker, Captain, and Arian. The other two shuttles were following the lead shuttle information. The Captain walks up to the Pilot to see how things are going.

Captain: Cadet Smith! I didn't know you were the pilot on the lead shuttle.
Cadet Smith: Yes, sir. Sr. Officer Ryder, wanted only his bets pilots to fly this mission.
Captain: Well I'm honored to be here with you.
Cadet Smith: I am too sir. Not many Captains would go on the first wave.
Captain: Well I feel that this decision is based solely on my actions to release Arian.
Cadet Smith: Yeah, we were updated on the status of Arian and our power source.
Captain: Well, I'm glad that Ryder was able to update you all in such short notice for this mission. Cadet, do you care if I ask you for your opinion on the matter?
Cadet Smith: You want my opinion, sir?
Captain: Yes, I like to take every crew member's thoughts into perspective. I like to feel it gives me the edge over the other Captains.
Cadet Smith: Well if I can be honest with you sir.
Captain: I want nothing but honesty from you.
Cadet Smith: Well I feel that what the General did with you and us and this whole mission was wrong and to be honest he should be questioned for his actions.
Captain: Well to be honest with you Cadet, I feel it won't matter. I feel there is more to this issue then we can see.
Cadet Smith: I don't follow sir?
Captain: Nothing for you to worry about, you just focus on this mission and getting these cadets down there safely.
Cadet Smith: Yes, Sir!

The Captain turned around to see Arian sitting there in her chair. She had a look of concern on her face. He figures it is nerves and concern for her people. He can't imagine what is going through her mind right now. He looks over at Sr. Officer Bird and she is holding up as well as to be expected. Her eyes were closed and it almost looks like she might be meditating. Baker is cleaning her rifle and getting it ready for combat. The Captain has this deep feeling swelling up in his chest. He wasn't sure if it was nerves or pride he had for his crew. To follow his orders without a hesitation and to trust his decision on this matter, made him full of pride. He turns to sit in the co-pilot seat next to Cadet Smith.

Scene Ends

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