Scene 5 "Engineering" - HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 - "Planet 2110"

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Scene Starts

Sr. Officer Vine is working hard in the engineering room. She is trying different calculations to see if she could find another power source for the ship. She is using the algorithm from the first use of the hyperdrive. She is hoping she might be able to find another source of power. She isn't making much headway. Sr. Officer Winchester walks into the engine room. He sees Sr. Officer Vine working in her office diligently. He approaches her office, but not before making a few Cadets tuck in their shirts. The two cadets hustle to tuck their shirts in and salute Sr. Officer Winchester. He never grew tired of making Cadets feel so awkward. He walks through Sr. Officer Vines' office door. She was able to see him approach her through her office window, overlooking the engine room. Winchester walks through her door.

Sr. Officer Vine: You giving my cadets a hard time Winchester?

Sr. Officer Vine said as she is looking at her tablet.

Sr. Officer Winchester: Nah, just told them to tuck their shirts in.
Sr. Officer Vine: You do know that as an engineer you do an excessive amount of bending over and lift. It's bound to cause their shirts to come untucked.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Well it is unbecoming of a Cadet.
Sr. Officer Vine: Winchester is there a reason you have graced us with your presence or was it to give my cadets a lesson on fashion?

Sr. Officer Winchester didn't care for Sr. Officer Vines comment too much. He cleared his throat and then informed her of his reasons for being there.

Sr. Officer Winchester: You wanted me to let you know about the status of the deployment team.
Sr Officer Vine: Why didn't you just page me the status. So are they okay?
Sr. Officer Winchester: Baker said they were able to capture the airbase and they have set up a perimeter.
Sr. Officer Vine: Great how is the Captain is he okay?
Sr. Officer Winchester: Well the Captain apparently went off with Bird and Arian to try and stop the Regits who got away.
Sr. Officer Vine: So the Captain just went chasing after some Regits, and he only took Bird and Arian.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Yeah.
Sr. Officer Vine: Baker didn't think of stopping him?
Sr. Officer Winchester: We may not have been serving with the Captain for a long time, but what do you think?
Sr. Officer Vine: Yeah, sorry. Just worried about them. Not sure how your last Captain was, but mine was a dick.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Yeah, mine wasn't too bad until he defected and tried to join the separatist.
Sr. Officer Vine: Wow, yeah it sounds like yours was worse than mine.
Sr. Officer Winchester: So what you working on?
Sr. Officer Vine: I'm trying to see if I figure out another way for a power source. Officer Barker left me all the schematics and designs for the hyperdrive when Arian was being used as the power source.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Yeah, good luck with that. Honestly, do we want to go back?
Sr. Officer Vine: What do you mean?
Sr. Officer Winchester: Well I'm sure the General is going to court-martial all of us for going against his wishes.
Sr. Officer Vine: What the General did is illegal. He went against the USFD and their orders.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Think about it. He is the General of the USFD. There is nobody else higher than him.
Sr. Officer Vine: Yeah, I know what you mean. You'd think we would have some way to terminate him or discharge him for unlawful abuse of power.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Vine, this whole system is broken. It was better than this, at one time. There used to be a time when the people you, me and everyone else were in control of the USFD and could voice their minds. Now it's so political I don't know who we serve anymore.
Sr. Officer Vine: I feel you there. It's definitely frustrating not knowing who we serve.
Sr. Officer Winchester: You know, every day we continue to put on this uniform and serve the USFD. I wonder if maybe the Separatists aren't may be right about this whole thing. You know they got there start from the original USFD?
Sr. Officer Vine: No, I didn't know that.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Yeah, so the original group of people who founded the USFD started it on the bases that it would be a one-world military government with the goal of being a better government for the people. Then over time, they lost sight of the goals and instead of protecting the people they controlled the people. The old USFD then changed into the Separatist. So now if you think about it. What we once thought was a great government is a corrupt government.
Sr. Officer Vine: That's crazy.
Sr. Officer Winchester: History is doomed to repeat itself.
Sr. Officer Vine: Well let's hope that if enough of us sign the papers we can prove that the General acted irrationally and threatened a lot of us to do his bidding against our will.
Sr. Officer Winchester: I hope so too or else we will never be able to return home. I'm going back to the bridge. If I hear anything else I'll let you know. Good talking to you.
Sr. Officer Vine: You to Winchester.

Sr. Officer Winchester walks out of Vine's office and heads towards the Bridge. He is concerned that the once-great USFD he is serving is no longer serving with the same morals and values it once had. He never agreed with the Separatist methods, but he is starting to see why they act the way they do and he is starting to wonder if he is on the right side of the law. What is best for the people of Nirvana?

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