Scene 12 "Planet 2110" - HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 - "Planet 2110"

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Scene Starts

The Arianhood are getting this back to normal in their village. Everyone is moving back into their homes and the Cadets are helping dispose of the Regit bodies. The villagers are celebrating with some music and dancing. Arian came over to the Captain who was sitting on a fallen pillar.

Captain: It would seem everyone is happy.
Arian: Yeah, and they owe it all to you.
Captain: Yes, they do. I'm sorry we weren't able to get the remaining Regits before they left.
Arian: It's okay. You did the best you could. I'm just happy my people are free.
Captain: Listen, about that. Can you have a seat here? We need to talk.
Arian: Okay.
Captain: Listen, I know how much it pleases you to see your people free and not under imprisonment. However, there is a very good chance that the Regits will be back. Especially since they got away. They'll re-group and may come back with more Regits. Then your people could be killed next time rather than imprisoned.
Arian: Captain what are you saying?
Captain: I feel it may be best if you come with us on the HSC. Getaway from this planet and allow your people to live in peace.
Arian: Well what guarantee do they have that someone won't come looking for me?
Captain: I was talking with my Science officer and Engineer. They feel pretty confident they can rig the airbase to send out a message that you have left this planet.
Arian: But they could still come and threaten my people?
Captain: Well the odds of them coming here with you gone are better than with you here.

Arian sat there next to the Captain and watches her people enjoy the freedom they rightfully deserve. She knew that what the Captain was telling her could happen. She knew this was the first attempt, but how many more attempts in the future. It is a big decision to have to make. She looks over at the Captain.

Arian: Maybe it could be fun. Like an adventure.
Captain: That's how I think of it. Every day is an adventure you get to live in space. If I had any way or power of allowing you to stay and say that your people would never be bothered I would do it, but I can't. At least not now, but maybe someday we can relocate your people or find another suitable planet for them. One where nobody can ever find them or bother them.
Arian: That sounds like a great plan. Can we do that? I'll stay with you until we can find my people a suitable home.
Captain: Okay, then it's a deal. We'll make that our next mission. Once we return back to Nirvana. So how about it Arian? You ready to set sail in space.
Arian: Cool. I'm ready. Let's get this going.

So Arian is joining the crew of the HSC Battlecruiser. This is a new adventure for Arian and the crew. Arian headed to get some things and said she would meet the Captain back at the shuttle. Sr. Officer Bird approaches the Captain.

Sr. Officer Bird: So I take it Arian is coming with us?
Captain: Well you know we can't leave her.
Sr. Officer Bird: What did you say to get her to come with us.
Captain: I told her that I would help find a suitable planet for her people to move too.
Sr. Officer Bird: That seems fair. So are we going back home?
Captain: Yes, the General needs to answer for the crimes he committed.
Sr. Officer Bird: You know there is a chance he won't be committed. There is a chance you could be court-martial for slander against the General.
Captain: What do you suggest I do?
Sr. Officer Bird: Not sure I have an answer for that yet.
Captain: Yeah, believe me, I've been racking different thoughts this whole time, but can't seem to figure it out but thank you for the chat. I appreciate it.
Sr. Officer Bird: No problem. Captain, we're here for you. We want to help you any way we can. I believe you have great things coming your way.
Captain: Thank you Bird, I appreciate it. How are you doing after the event?
Sr. Officer Bird: Yes, sir. It would seem the further I got away from the Regits the easier it was.
Captain: That makes sense.
Sr. Officer Bird: Thank you for not saying anything about this to the others.
Captain: Bird, it is no problem, but moving forward no more secrets okay?
Sr. Officer Bird: Sure thing.
Captain: Can I ask you a personal question?
Sr. Officer Bird: Sure.
Captain: Your last name is Bird? Doesn't that seem a bit odd you being a feline species?
Sr. Officer Bird: Oh, yes. I agree sir. Bird is my fathers' last name.
Captain: Your father? I didn't think the Drapoels had last names?
Sr. Officer Bird: Oh, I apologize Captain. I thought you knew. I'm half Drapoel and half-human.
Captain: Get out of here.
Sr. Officer Bird: Yes, my father was a science officer for the USFD and that's how he met my mother the Ambassador.
Sr. Officer Bird: Your mother is the Ambassador. Wow, small world. So then do all Drapoels look like you?
Sr. Officer Bird: No sir, I do have some features of a human. For example, the Drapoel females don't have hair like I do, along with some other things that are kind of personal Captain.
Captain: I understand say no more. I get it. Well, I guess we should be on our way.
Sr. Officer Bird: Yes, sir.

The Captain and Bird headed for the shuttle that was landing. As the Captain ponders on the next day and what will happen, he is reminded of Arian's comment "Every day is an adventure". The Captain gets on the shuttle and looks back at the village. They don't know what is going to be waiting for them. They could come across some dangerous characters or make some great new friends. One thing is for sure, whatever awaits them on the HSC will be up to the crew to handle it as it comes.

Scene Ends
To Be Continued

HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 3

HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 "Planet 2110"Where stories live. Discover now