Scene 11 "Planet 2110" - HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 - "Planet 2110"

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Scene Starts

The Captain, Sr. Officer Bird, Baker, and Arian are on top of the cliff overlooking the Village. The Captain pulled up some visors that allowed him to see for a long distance. He is looking down at the village to determine the whereabouts of the Regits. He sees a handful spaced out through the village.

Sr. Officer Baker: Any sign of them?
Captain: I see a few, you're were right Sr. Officer Bird. I can see their scouter on the other side of the village. It is only got a handful of Regits guarding it.
Sr. Officer Bird: That's great.
Arian: I can't wait until there gone.
Captain: I can only imagine. Okay, let's send the signal to Winchester. Baker, you're up.
Sr. Officer Baker: Yes, sir.

Sr. Officer Baker reaches in behind her back to grab the radio communicator from her belt. She puts the radio next to her mouth and presses the button.

Sr. Officer Baker: Winchester you there?
Arian: I hope this works.
Sr. Officer Bird: It will work. The Captain is pretty savvy about stuff like this. We are going to free your people from the clutches of the Regit.
Arian: It has been some time since my people have been free. I owe this all to you and your crew. You are like angels.
Sr. Officer Bird: Not sure about the angel part, but I know we want to rid the galaxy of evil and this is how we do it. We help others who need it.
Arian: Well I know I caused a lot of trouble with you and the General. I only hope you don't get into trouble because of me.
Sr. Officer Bird: You let the Captain worry about that. He knows what he is doing and he knew what he was doing when he freed you from Officer Barker in the power room.
Arian: I'll never forget that day. I was in a deep sleep. All I could feel in that chamber was my people in pain and suffering because of me. It was the longest time of my life. Then when the water was drained I could hear everything that was going on but was too weak to open my eyes or communicate. Then I heard what the Captain was saying. Then I knew he was the one. The one who I could trust and ask for help. When I looked into the database of your ship and learned about all the crew members, it only confirmed that I had found the right people for the job. Despite the General picking, the member's out. He picked a pretty decent crew.
Sr. Officer Bird: Wow, that is fascinating.
Arian: What?
Sr. Officer Bird: That you can store all that information in you. Just like it was data on a computer.
Arian: Yeah, it is a blessing and a curse, because I also know more information about some that others don't.
Sr. Officer Bird: I can imagine.
Sr. Officer Winchester (Radio): I read you loud and clear.
Captain: Okay Bird, Arian get ready.
Sr. Officer Baker: Okay, you are a go for the air support.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Okay, we are approaching the atmosphere. You should be seeing us in about 3 minutes.
Captain: Okay group. Let's get ready.

The group could hear the ship coming into the atmosphere. It made a loud bang like a cannon is fired in the sky. The Regits looked up from the village below. The Captain watches their reaction towards the huge ship coming from the sky. They start to regroup to the center of the village to try and combine their firepower.

Captain: They don't strategize well under pressure.
Sr. Officer Bird: No, sir. I told you they are not that smart.
Sr. Officer Baker: Okay, we see you, Winchester. Keep the comms open and we'll coordinate.
Sr. Officer Winchester (Radio): Okay, you be careful.
Captain: Okay, let's help them out. (Yells) FIRE!

Sr. Officer Baker, Bird, the Captain, and Arian all started to fire at the Regits in the center of the village. They had the laser rifles on high velocity so they would travel the distance. The HSC was also firing to aid in support. The group on the cliff managed to hit one of the Regits. The Regits are trying to find cover. They can't seem to counter the HSC and the group on the cliff. One Regit manages to branch off the group and start to run full gallop towards the cliff.

Sr. Officer Winchester (Radio): You've got one headed your way.
Captain: Got it!

The Captain looked down his scope at the Regit running and fires the shot. He hits him directly in the head and causes him to spin around on the ground. The Captain turns his attention back to the Regits in the center of the Village. The HSC flies over the Village and begins to make the turn for another pass. The Regits realize that they would be outflanked with the ship coming at them from the other side. The signal for the retreat was motioned. The Regits headed towards their Scouter.

Captain: We've got them on the run. Tell Winchester to watch for the scouter and when it gets airborne take the shot.
Sr. Officer Baker: Yes, sir.
Sr. Officer Bird: Let's get down there and make sure the coast is clear for the Squad.
Sr. Officer Winchester (Radio): Copy that Baker, will keep an eye on the scouter.

The last Regit got into their scouter. The door started to shut as the Captain, and Bird was getting to the center of the village. They watch as the ship powers up. Just then the ship cloaked and vanished. The Captain looks at Bird with shock in his eyes.

Sr. Officer Bird: They shouldn't have that kind of tech? They're not that advanced.
Captain: Well it looks like they do. They could hear the ship heading up in the air. Winchester, can you hear me?
Sr. Officer Winchester (Radio): Yes, sir. I got you on the comms.
Captain: It would seem they have a cloaking device. Can you pick them up on the radar?
Sr. Officer Winchester (Radio): Checking sir.

The Captain, Sr. Officer Bird, and Arian waited for Winchester to reply.

Sr. Officer Winchester (Radio): No, sir. They are not showing up.
Captain: Dang it!
Arian: It's okay Captain. They're gone. Isn't that a good thing?
Captain: Yes, it is. Tell Winchester to get back into orbit and maintain position until further notice.
Sr. Officer Baker: Yes, sir.

Sr. Officer Baker contacts Winchester. The Captain orders Sr. Officer Bird to head back to the airbase and tell the Arianhood that the coast is clear and the village seems to be empty. Arian gave the Captain and big hug in satisfaction because finally, her people are safe. It has taken her years to get this mission done and she can finally Rest In Peace.

Scene Ends

HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 "Planet 2110"Where stories live. Discover now