Scene 3 "Bridge" - HSC Battecruiser Series Book 2 - "Planet 2110"

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Scene Starts

The crew on the bridge of the HSC Battlecruiser was patiently waiting to hear if the crew on the shuttle landed safely. Sr. Officer Winchester was left in charge of the bridge while the Captain was away. It would seem Sr. Officer Winchester has a lot on his mind. He didn't even notice the crew member come up from behind him.

Sr. Officer Vine: So Winchester have you heard from the crew yet?
Sr. Officer Winchester: (Yells) What?!
Sr. Officer Vine: Gosh, you're a little uptight there.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Oh, Vine what are you doing here?
Sr. Officer Vine: Well I was just curious if we have heard from the away team?
Sr. Officer Winchester: No, nothing yet.
Sr. Officer Vine: Have you tried to reach them?
Sr. Officer Winchester: No. We can't contact them.
Sr. Officer Vine: Why not?
Sr. Officer Winchester: Because the Regits could be using a communications device for off word contacts. So if we communicate with them we could tip off the Regits that they are coming.
Sr. Officer Vine: So how will we know they made it?
Sr. Officer Winchester. We won't know until they take over the airbase. Then they'll contact us.
Sr. Officer Vine: So they could need our help and we won't know?
Sr. Officer Winchester: Of course not. The Captain said that only in an emergency will they break contact.
Sr. Officer Vine: Seems awfully risky.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Yes, it does. However, it was at the Captain's request. I find the whole thing stupid.
Sr. Officer Vine: Well I'm sure they'll be okay.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Of course they'll be okay. Baker is leading the mission.
Sr. Officer Vine: Yes, she is.
Sr. Officer Ryder: Plus Cadet Smith is the best pilot I've got. Top of her class. No Offense Cadet.
Cadet: No worries, sir. She is really good. If I was to be on an away team. I would want her to be the pilot.
Sr. Officer Ryder: Really?
Cadet: Uh, what I meant is...
Sr. Officer Winchester: Okay that's enough. We know what you meant. You're digging yourself a deeper hole cadet. What's taking them so long. We show they entered the atmosphere about 30 minutes ago.
Sr. Officer vine: I'm going to the engine room. Please let me know as soon as you hear anything, please.
Sr. Officer Winchester: Sure thing.

Sr. Officer Vine turns and walks towards the door. As she approaches the door it opens and Officer Steven Barker.

Officer Barker: Vicky! Just who I was looking for.
Sr. Officer Vine: Steven I'm in no mood to talk to you.

Sr. Officer Vine walks around Officer Barker and heads down the hallway. Officer Barker turns and catches up to her.

Officer Barker: Vicky...
Sr. Officer Vine: It's Sr. Officer Vine when we're on duty Officer Barker!
Officer Barker: Sorry...Sr. Officer Vine, we haven't talked since the incident in the power room. I wanted to make sure we're okay?
Sr. Officer Vine: Officer Barker, I've not talked with you since the power room incident because I'm ignoring you.
Officer Barker: Listen, I'm sorry okay. I know I messed up. I promise you it's only because I didn't want you to lose your commission.

Sr. Officer Vine grabbed Officer Barker's arm and pulled him into an electrical room. She looks out the hallway to make sure nobody saw them go in there. She shuts the door behind them. She looks around the room to see if the coast is clear.

Sr. Officer Vine: Okay, first off I didn't ask you to help me. Secondly, he wouldn't have found out if you hadn't blabbed.
Officer Barker: Vicky, I know you don't believe me, but I didn't tell him. I thought you blabbed.
Sr. Officer Vine: I don't believe you. (Yell) You could never keep a secret.

Officer Barker lowered his head. He opened the door of the electrical room. He stopped in the middle of the door frame. He turns his head slightly.

Officer Barker: You're right about that Vicky, but there is one thing I have never done. Tell anyone our secret.

Officer Barker walks out the door and it shut. Sr. Officer Vine had tears come down her face. She realized that Steven was telling the truth. He hadn't told anybody about their relationship and the thought of it broke her heart. She composed herself and took a deep breath. She walked out of the electrical room and headed towards the engineering room. She didn't know how the General found out, but she knew how to find the answer.

Scene Ends

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