Scene 7 "Planet 2110" - HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 - "Planet 2110"

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Scene Start

Meanwhile back at the airbase Sr. Officer Baker has finished with the perimeters and is in the tower to try and see if she can get any information on the whereabouts of the remaining Regits. She is currently on the communications with Sr. Officer Winchester on board the HSC Battlecruiser.

Sr. Officer Baker: I shouldn't have let him go. I should have begged him to stay, but what can I do. He is a Captain and I'm a Sr. Officer.
Sr. Officer Winchester: (Radio) Well you did the best you can do. I'm glad that you made it safely.
Sr. Officer Baker: Really? You're glad? Is that a tone of worry in your voice?
Sr. Officer Winchester: (Radio) No, it's not. It's a sign of making sure a fellow officer made it okay.
Sr. Officer Baker: Winchester you know you like me. Don't deny it. You know you were worried about me.
Sr. Officer Winchester: (Radio) I'm going to let you go. I've got to check in with all the stations to make sure everything is ready for your return. Winchester out!
Sr. Officer Baker: That man will tell me one day he likes me. He just doesn't know it yet.
Cadet: Ma' am, we see the Captain returning.
Sr. Officer Baker: Great.

Sr. Officer Baker got out of the telecommunications chair and ran outside the viewing deck on top of the tower. She was able to see everyone on the airbase from this view. She could see the Captain, Sr. Officer Bird, and Arian coming back. She gave a big wave and the Captain waved back. She ran down the platform to the lower level. By the time she had made it outside the Captain and Bird were coming up the steps. She could see blood all over Bird's uniform.

Sr. Officer Baker: You okay bird?
Sr. Officer Bird: Yes, do they have a restroom here?
Sr. Officer Baker: Yeah, it's just around the corner. Are you okay?

Sr. Officer Bird ignored Baker's question and walked around her to the bathroom. Sr. Officer Baker looked back at the Captain for an explanation.

Captain: We ran into some trouble, but we managed. So how are things going here?
Sr. Officer Baker: Well things are going well here. We've established a perimeter. No sign of any Regits yet. Did any of them getaway?
Captain: No we managed to get them all before they notified the others.
Sr. Officer Baker: Great, well we've established a direct link with the HSC. I've informed Winchester of our situation and he is on standby with any help.
Captain: Great, well we found the village.
Sr. Officer Baker: That's great. What did you see?
Captain: well it wasn't so much what we saw, but what we didn't see. There were no signs of any of Arian's people. However, we also learned that her people have the ability to communicate with each other through thought anywhere on the planet.
Sr. Officer Baker: Nice, talk about handy communications.
Captain: Yes, so after she told me that. I asked her if she was able to communicate with them. She said she couldn't. Come to find out they can't communicate when they are underground near their core. Apparently, it is their temple where they go and pray. So it helps them to focus on their God and nobody can hear each other's prayers.
Sr. Officer Baker: Okay, so what's the plan?
Captain: So we're going to use Arian's teleporting abilities.
Arian & Sr. Officer Baker: We are?
Captain: Hear me out, can you teleport to any location you desire Arian?
Arian: Yes, but I've never done it on the planet?
Captain: Is it possible?
Arian: I mean it is, I would just think of the temple and then I could teleport us there, but I need a ship to do that?
Captain: That's when we get our shuttle. Do you think that it would fit inside your temple?
Arian: Yes, it would. It's large enough.
Sr. Officer Baker: So you're wanting to send a shuttle down to the temple to do what?
Captain: I figured we stock it with some Cadets. Send the shuttle down there and free the prisoners. There won't be that many Regits there. Apparently, they have terrible eyesight.
Sr. Officer Baker: Okay, I'll go with you.
Sr. Officer Bird: If it's okay with you Captain I feel it best if I go. Besides Baker, you need to keep the base under control. If that's okay with you Captain.
Captain: Baker you okay with that?
Sr. Officer Baker: Yeah, that does make the most sense. Okay, well how many cadets you want to take with you?
Captain: I think 5 should be plenty. Besides if we see that it is more then we can handle then Arian can just get us out of there as fast as possible.
Sr. Officer Baker: All right, let's get the ball rolling on this one.

The Captain, Sr. Officer Bird, and Arian grabbed the five Cadets. Why they were rounding them up, Baker signaled for Cadet Smith to bring her shuttle down to the base to pick up the Captain's crew. The Captain stood next to Arian as they were waiting for the Shuttle to come down.

Captain:  You nervous?
Arian: I feel you may have more faith in me then I do. I just worry that I'll be sending us all to our death. I mean if I get this wrong we could plummet into the core of the planet and that would be disastrous for us.
Captain: I have faith in you.
Arian: How do you have faith in me? You barely know me.
Captain: I don't know I guess I sense a little bit of me in you.
Arian: Really? We're you sent to save you're people and land on a strange planet and be held captive and then have to lie, and deceive people to get your people some help?
Captain: Close to that. You see I was sent on a mission to save the planet Nirvana. Well, the mission required me to go all alone because my crew had become very sick. However, for some reason, I couldn't catch the virus. So I had to fly the ship all on my own to deliver the meds to my crew. I was able to get there in time and save them despite that I didn't know much about flying the scouter or anything. So I know what it is like to have everyone's hope's relying on you.
Arian: Listen, I may not have been honest with you about my people.
Captain: What do you mean?
Arian: Well I told you my parents named me after the planet, but the reason they did that is. Because I'm the only one of my kind who can do this?
Captain: You mean teleport?
Arian: Yes, and they are holding the people hostage because they want me. If I was able to turn myself in. My people would be free. The Regits would leave this planet. When they came to the planet they heard of a girl who could teleport all over the galaxy without any power. They wanted me for their ship. So it's my fault my people are going through this.
Captain: Listen, you can't help how you were born. You can't help what the Regits did. They're bad people and they're going to do bad stuff no matter if you had powers or not. The thing that I find interesting about you is. You used your powers to help your people. You could have fled to any part of the galaxy or anywhere else and you chose to look for help. That is the sign of a warrior and it is one who I would love to serve us on board the HSC. As long as your parents allow it of course.
Arian: My parents are dead, they died when I was very young. I'm alone with no family, just my people.
Captain: Well you truly are special. I have faith in you Arian and I know you're going to do just fine.
Arian: Thank you, Captain.
Captain: You can call me Alex.
Arian: Okay, Alex.

Arian had a smile on her face for the first time since the Captain has seen her. He knew the risks of this mission, but he knew that the reward could be greater. Now that he knew they were after the girl. He knew what was needed. To destroy the Regits so they would leave her alone and not mess with her anymore. He knew what the purpose of his mission was. To save this young girl from the Regits and to bring her freedom and to allow her to use her abilities the way she wants too. He had a grin on his face as he waited for the shuttle to land.

Scene Ends

HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 "Planet 2110"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang