Scene 9 "Planet 2110" - HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 - "Planet 2110"

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Scene Starts

The Arianhood had made it back to the airbase. Sr. Officer Baker had placed them inside the bunker for safekeeping. As the Captain came up with a plan for what he was going to do with the Regits in the village. He asked for Arian, Sr. Officer Bird and Baker to join him in the tower along with the Prime to determine what they could do. So far they've been able to stay one step ahead of the Regits and the Captain is wanting to keep it that way. He is looking out from the tower upon the airbase.

Prime: You seemed troubled Captain.

Scene: The Captain turns to look at the Prime. He is the leader of the Arianhood. He looks just like Arian, but obviously, you can tell he is a male of the species. His hair isn't long but has the same white coloration as Arian. Along with the skin tone being a slight pink. The ears, of course, are also pointed and the eyes are black as night too.

Captain: Well I fear if we take the battle to your village it could do some serious damage to it. I have an idea that could possibly work, but if it doesn't it would mean we could do more harm then good.
Prime: Captain. We appreciate you for freeing us. The Regits need to be taught a lesson. Don't allow for our Village to be standing in the way. We can always re-build, we are a small village. However, we are resourceful. I'm sure we can manage.
Sr. Officer Bird: Captain, may I have a word with you, semi-privately. Baker, you can come if you want too. USFD stuff really.

Sr. Officer Baker and the Captain walked to the other side of the tower. Leaving the Prime and Arian alone. The Captain looks at Bird and can tell that something is on her mind. He is curious if this was regarding earlier with the Regit and her rage that she showed.

Sr. Officer Bird: Captain, I feel that the Regits are going to be waiting for us this time. We may have beaten them the last two times, but I feel it is because of our element of surprise.
Captain: I would agree with you. Baker, how many men and women have we lost so far?
Sr. Officer Baker: Including the attack on the airbase and the cadet in the temple. I would say we've lost a total of ten cadets.
Captain: Okay, and we don't have time to call for another shuttle to bring more.
Sr. Officer Baker: No, sir. So we have two squads.
Captain: Sr. Officer Bird how many more do you think there is?
Sr. Officer Baker: Judging by how many we went up against at the airbase, and the temple. Honestly, I would say it isn't a large brigade. In fact, I would guess it's probably just a scouting team. Based on what we saw in the village I would say there are probably about 15 more Regits.
Captain: So if we had the HSC come down here, that would probably intimidate them.
Sr Officer Baker: We could have Winchester do a planetary scan to see if there are any other ships on the planet.
Sr. Officer Bird: If we confirm they have a scouter. There is no way they would have the firepower to go against the HSC.
Captain: Okay, so let's have Winchester scan the planet. Great idea ladies.

The Captain went for his communicator on the side of his belt. He pulled it up to his mouth and pressed the button.

Captain: Winchester, this is the Captain can you hear me over?
Sr. Officer Bird: You did scramble the communicator so that the other Regits couldn't receive our transmission right?
Sr. Officer Baker: Yes, we did. I've already been communicating with HSC to coordinate our status.
Sr. Officer Bird: Good.
Sr. Officer Winchester (Radio): Yes, sir. I read you loud and clear.
Captain: We need you to run a planetary scan to see if there are any vessels on this planet and see if we can get an idea of how many Regits there are.
Sr. Officer Winchester (Radio): Sure, thing. Hang on one second.

Arian walked out of the tower on to the deck with them. She stood back away so that she could get the Captain's attention, but not eavesdrop. She caught the Captain's eye. He motions for her to come towards them.

Captain: What can I do for you Arian?
Arian: We were just checking to see if everything is okay.
Captain: Yes, we may have a plan.
Sr. Officer Baker: Sir, do you think it is wise that you tell her? No offense Arian, but this is USFD stuff.
Captain: No, she is fine. I trust her. I mean, we just go on a life or death mission together. There is something you can tell by a person. Arian, we are in the process of having the HSC scan the surface of the planet and see if the Regits have more then one scouter. We feel that they may have sent there scouter's here, and not the mother ship.
Arian: Oh, what difference does it make?
Captain: We're trying to get a feel for how many Regits are on the planet. We know based on how many Regits they had at the airbase and the temple. According to Sr. Officer Bird, the Regits usually send a scouter with a crew of about 30. So we figure they are getting few in numbers.
Arian: So that means we can take them?
Captain: Well not head-on, because we are limited on our crew and we don't have time to wait for another shuttle to bring more cadets here. So I was thinking we have the HSC come down and scare the pants off them. If you know what I mean by that. Then they'll evacuate.
Arian: I think so. I get the scaring part, but not sure why you want their pants off.
Captain: It was a joke...
Sr. Officer Bird: Captain, I think it best if we take it slow with the terms and analogies. I sometimes don't understand the sense of humor with the jokes and choice of words.
Captain: Good point.
Sr. Officer Winchester (Radio): Captain we are showing a level 1 class scouter ship on the other side of the planet.
Captain: Thank you, Winchester. Coordinate with Baker on the next plan of attack. I'll keep in touch. Bird, you were right. Okay, so we are going to send the HSC to scare the Regits into evacuating. They don't have the firepower to take on the ship. Bird, Baker, Arian, and I will take our place on top of the cliff to watch the Regits and see if we can take them out, and send them retreating to their scouter.
Arian: This is great news. Can I share this with the Prime?
Captain: You sure can.

Arian, trotted off like a giddy little school girl. The Captain and Sr. Officer Baker and Bird watched as young Arian was so happy.

Sr. Officer Bird: So Captain, care to tell us what you've got planned for Arian?
Captain: What do you mean?
Sr. Officer Bird: She clearly is well known for her abilities. If the Regits know, there is a slight chance that others will know. This planet will always be a hotspot for attacks.
Sr. Officer Baker: You mean they're here for just her? Why not the rest of the people?
Captain: Arian, wasn't that honest with us. Apparently, she is the only one of her kind that has the powers of teleportation.
Sr. Officer Baker: Oh...that makes sense. The Regits are after her.
Captain: Correct, so if we leave her here then her people will always be under attack.
Sr. Officer Baker: So what are you going to do?
Captain: I've got an idea, but for right now let's focus on this plan of attack and see if it works. Then we will focus on Arian. Bird, Baker let's get ready for battle.

The Captain walks into the tower with Bird and Baker to discuss the plan of action with the Prime. He knew that this was going to be a good plan and he felt really good about it. He felt better about the plan, then the next course of action which was telling Arian she needed to leave the planet. He knew this place had been her home for her whole life and she always knew she was special, but now that her abilities are making there way out into the Galaxy she will need to consider the other option.

Scene Ends

HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 "Planet 2110"Where stories live. Discover now