Chapter 1

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Fourteen teenagers sat bored on a boat. They'd been waiting patiently for several hours to arrive at the latest Total Drama Island show, even though they'd been told it would only take an hour top to arrive at their destination.

Sky smiled back at Dave, the short boy who nervously waved and smiled at her.

'Anyone have any idea where we are?' Sky turned her head up to look at a all ginger guy. She remembered someone calling him Rodney.

No one answered him.

'We have been travelling for a long time.' Ella said. 'I'm not sure where we are.'

'I'll go ask the Captain.' Jasmine said.

'M-Me too.' Samey whispered, following the tall Australian. They knocked on the door, but it was closed. 'Shall we force it?' Samey asked.

Jasmine nodded. 'Move out the way slightly.'

Samey stepped a few paces back, and Jasmine grabbed the handle forcing the door open.

'Woah.' Leonard jumped, knocking into Topher.

'Hey watch it man!' He complained.

Jasmine and Samey entered the front area of the boat and in surprise found themselves alone. A small screen at the front of boat was steering them off course and it was guiding them to an unnamed island.

'We're way off course.' Samey told her.

Jasmine placed an arm on her shoulder. 'Go tell the others, I'll try to take us off route.'

Samey jogged outside and she quickly explained they seemed to be far from their original destination.

'Perhaps it's part of the show.' Sky suggested.

'This off course? I don't think so.' Scarlett retorted.

Everyone started chatting until Jasmine came out of the front booth. 'You might want to have a look at this.' She told them.

Everyone looked up at a giant island they were arriving at.

'Anyone know where we are?' Shawn asked the group.

'It can't be...' Scarlett whispered, which unfortunately the whole group heard.

'W-What?' Dave asked.

'I've read about this place.' Scarlett told the group. 'Wawanakwa Island.'

Samey scratched her head. 'I think I've heard about this place.'

'About six years ago...' Scarlett started, crossing her legs. 'The original cast of Total Drama was invited back for another season... where...'

'Where what?' Ella asked.

'Where twenty people died.' She told them. 'Six of them escaped. Later on more people were driven here. All records of what happened to them have been lost. Until four years later. A paranormal investigative team went to check out the island, only one person escaped. Their leader, Dakota Milton.'

'They were all killed here, on that island?' Ella asked her.

Scarlett nodded. 'Right where we're headed.'

The boat headed off to the island where it started picking up speed.

'What's going on?' Samey asked.

They were getting closer and closer.

'Jump!' Jasmine yelled.

Everyone dove into the water, looking on as their boat crashed into the side of the beach, breaking apart.

'Everyone off?' Shawn asked.

They looked around. Thirteen people.

'Someone's missing!' Sky called out, swimming over to the beach ahead of the others.

They all jumped to the boat where Max lay weak and whimpering.

Jasmine caught up to Sky. 'He's still alive.' She told the shorter girl. 'I don't know how though.'

The two picked up Max and gently lay him down on the beach.

'Welcome to Wawanakwa Island.' Scarlett sighed.

Welcome to Book Three in the series. You might want to read the other two first but it's not a necessity. Anyhow, hope you enjoy!

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