Chapter 3

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Samey knew it was clear to everyone that Jasmine was the leader of their group. She was strong, athletic and from what she could tell, a natural at taking charge.

'Do you reckon it's real?' Samey asked the group. 'You know... about the whole, murdering thing?'

Amy rolled her eyes. 'Shut up Samey.' She hissed. 'It's obviously not.'


'Shut up.'

'Hey.' A voice said, stepping between them. Samey smiled slightly as she got between the twins, splitting them up. 'Don't speak to your sister like that Amy.' She warned.

Glaring at the two of them, the blonde strutted off, knowing she was no match for the Australian.

'Thanks.' Samey whispered.

'Don't mention it.' Jasmine replied, placing an arm around her. 'Can't stand bullies.'

Samey nodded gratefully, her face heating up about the contact between them.

Topher had watched the whole ordeal, and he thought that Amy chick needed to calm down. He walked up to her and she glanced over, looking him up and down.

'What.' She sighed, continuingly walking,

'You're quite harsh on your sister.' He told her,

She snorted. 'You would be too if you had to put up with that all your life.'

'That being?'

Scowling Amy kicked the ground. 'Samey always victimising herself. She thinks she's so perfect. I just like to take her down a peg sometimes.'

Topher raised his eyebrows, deciding no response was the best response. This girl seemed a little unhinged, and he didn't feel like setting her off. If there was some sort of curse on this island, he didn't want to draw attention to their group.


Ella briskly walked trying to keep up with Sky. It was clear Sky wanted the group to run, but everyone bar Dave were reluctant to.

Dave turned to Sky. 'How far away do you reckon we are?' He asked.

She shrugged. 'I don't know. Maybe a few miles off?'

Leonard groaned.

'I'm not sure the rest could walk that far.' She nodded. 'I know, but... I feel like safety in numbers you know? I just don't think we should split up more than we have already.'

Dave nodded at her logic, and the whole group moved on.


Max groaned. His body was weak and shutting down. He couldn't move either of his legs or in his left arm, and he was losing all feeling in his right arm. It was weird, he didn't feel any pain, just a kind of numbing feeling as he closed his eyes.

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