Chapter 11

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Amy and Topher were shocked to find the beach empty.
'That bitch.' Amy muttered pulling ahead.
'Scarlett left with out us!' Topher cried out.
The two looked at each other in despair. A feeling of sadness washing over them.
'There must be another way out...' He sighed, but Amy shook her head. 'I doubt it...'

Samey glanced up and she breathed a sigh of relief. Amy was safe and alive. 'Jasmine,' she whispered. 'look!'
Jasmine glanced up at Amy and Topher and she looked back around. 'I think it's safe.'
Samey squeezes her hand as the two slowly got up making their way into view.
Topher's eyes lit up when he saw the two young women appear in front of them.
'Guys! You're alive!' Topher cheered.
Pulling Amy with him, the four reunited.
'Do you know where Scarlett is?' Topher asked, unsure to how they were going to escape the island.
Samey and Jasmine looked at each other before shaking their heads. 'No sorry.'
'Fuck.' Amy whined. 'That bitch left us.'
'She's not who you need to worry about.' Samey told them.
'What do you mean?' Topher asked, silently looking around.
Samey raised her eyebrows glancing over at Jasmine who nodded. 'Well, there's this woman, she looked ravenous. We think she's the one who's been murdering us.
'Shit, where is she?' Topher asked.
'We don't know.' Samey replied. 'We want to find her...'
'What for?' Amy yelled. 'It's not like you can do anything.'
The three looked at her.
'This woman has a gun! Idiots.'
'I don't care.' Samey replied. 'We're going.'
Jasmine took her hand and the two almost turned away.
'Wait.' Topher called out.
Amy grabbed his hand. 'Topher.' She snarled.
He pulled apart from her. 'I want to join you.'
Amy growled as the three headed into the forest.
Soon they were out of sight. Amy snarled, she didn't need them. She knew she was right to wait, there's no way three high school students could fight off a woman with a gun.
Sugar didn't think she'd be able to carry on much longer, and she was right. She heaved over unable to move too far.
She stared on as Sky and Shawn became smaller and smaller.
She rolled over as someone came into the distance. An animal of a woman came in front of her view. Her clothes were shredded and her hair a bush covered in dirt.
Sugar closed her eyes as a knife was silently plunged into her neck. Her eyes went wide open as she choked on blood. Her body shook as she fell still.

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