Chapter 4

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'He's dead!' Sugar gasped.

Scarlett didn't react to the news. Max had been weak for awhile and she knew without immediate treatment he wouldn't have been able to survive. Perhaps she could have sustained him for a little longer, but she knew there was no time for that. Her number on priority was getting of the island with or without any of the others.

Beardo picked Max up and he headed towards the sea. He looked like he was about to drop him so Scarlett quickly intervened. 'Are you an idiot?' She yelled.

Alarmed he moved away.

She launched an arm out into the sea. 'We don't know what's out there, do you really want to bring whatever's out there's dinner right on our doorstep!'

He moved away and placed the guy down.

Scarlett shook her head and gripped her hair. 'I'm surrounded by idiots!' She yelled, going back to her work.


'What exactly are we looking for?' Topher asked, surveying the area.

'Anything or anyone that can help us off.' Jasmine explained.

'You really think someone could be here?' Samey asked.

'Maybe.' Jasmine told her honestly. 'None of us know.'

An eery silence washed over the group.

'Way to kill the mood.' Topher stated, breaking the silence. But no one laughed.


The five along the beach slowly carried themselves onward, even Sky was starting to feel the heat as they moved onward.

Leonard was probably feeling the worst out of the five. He was slumped over and his face was drained.

Sky walked ahead of the group where she stopped. 'Woah.'

The other four caught up to her and they peered over in surprise at the beach ahead of them covered in shrapnel.

'What happened here?' Dave asked, strolling further ahead.

The group pushed forward at what appeared to be a broken boat. Hopping over they had a quick look around.

'Ship crash?' Ella asked, darting around the big pieces of metal scattered around her feet.

Sky pointed at the support. 'Look at those beams. It was probably some sort of dock.' She explained.

Ella nodded as the group continued forward. Ella helped Leonard forward; he was now slumped over and his legs were giving way to falling. 'Sky.' Ella whined, 'He can't go on like this.'

Sky nodded, finally giving in. 'Okay, Ella, you stay here with Leonard, but hide. Just in case.'

Ella nodded, as she pulled Leonard behind a large piece of wood which was stuck into the ground. Sky carried on at a now faster pace, being followed by Dave and Shawn.

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