Chapter 13

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Amy fell onto the ground in front of the woman who pointed her gun at her. Amy knew she should have gone with Samey and her girlfriend. Then she might have lived.

She nervously peered up at the young woman. A flash of red appeared as the gunshot went off.

Samey's eyes went wide as her neck was gripped by the woman. Her sister had just been shot in front of her, and now her own life was being drained. She saw Jasmine jumping out the boat, but it was too late.

Samey's limp body spasmed before falling still.

Jasmine's eyes went wide at the young girl and she screamed before she rushed over to the woman who raised her gun. She slammed it out the way, her body filled with adrenaline. She punched the woman the ground, standing over her. Bridgette released her right grip on the gun and Jasmine quickly grabbed it. She held it to the woman's head. In that moment the woman seemed human. Her eyes were wide and pupils small. Her right lips pursed into a small circle.

Looking over at Samey her grip tightened, and she punched her fist into the woman's nose, blood dripping down her fist.

Pulling the trigger she let go.

The gun fell to the ground and she hit the weak woman. She couldn't shoot her. She heard a faint sound, a whisper, one word: no. Jasmine didn't know if she was imagining things, but she trusted the voice.

Turning back she picked up Samey's corpse, and she ran to the boat to Scarlett and Topher. 'Go!' She yelled, and silently Scarlett did so, the three of them heading away from the island.

Scarlett glances back at Jasmine. She'd seen what had happened, and she doubted Jasmine wanted to talk.

Topher say next to her quietly. He'd only known Samey briefly, but he knew she was a kind person. She didn't deserve to die, none of them had. Topher glanced up at Jasmine who looked so small for such a big person. Her lips were purses and she looked down in defeat. Topher didn't blame her, she's evidently loved Samey, and she'd just been ripped away from her.

Jasmine sighed. Samey was dead. She'd been shot trying to save her sister. If only She'd been a bit quicker maybe neither Samey or Amy would've died. Jasmine places her head in her hands. It was her fault...

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