Chapter 7

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Scarlett had made quite a bit of process on the boat, despite the distraction the two bozos she was stuck with provided. Glancing up at them she sighed, returning to work.

Beardo silently stared off as Sugar chatted away at him, oblivious to him not paying attention. After awhile however she turned her attention to Scarlett who merely rolled her eyes.

'When do you think they'll be back?' She asked.

Deciding to play on, Scarlett replied. Who?'

'The wizard and the others?'

'Probably not too long.' Scarlett replied, placing her head back down.


Jasmine quietly moved around through foliage, the kind twin following her.

'Look Jasmine.' Samey whispered, glancing over at a nearby cave she hadn't noticed before. 'Maybe we should have a look?'

'Why?' She asked. 'We need to get back to Scarlett.'

'I don't know.' She replied. 'I just feel, kind of drawn to it...'

Jasmine looked at her and she smiled slightly, before nodding. 'Okay.'

The two girls headed towards the cave and they entered together, trudging over the rock.

'What are you expecting to find?' The taller of the two asked.

Shrugging Samey looked down. 'I don't know.' She murmured before apologising. 'We should go-'

Jasmine lifted her hand up stopping her. 'What's that?' She asked,  venturing deeper. Samey nervously followed as the girls became increasingly further away from the light of the entrance. Coming to a small corner Jasmine slid up against a wall before poking her head out to have a look. 'What the?' She asked out loud, ushering Samey forward.

The twin did as told and she was equally surprised to see bones and fruit cores lying on the ground.

Samey's eyes went wide looking at the bones. 'They're not-'

Jasmine swiftly shook her head. 'No, they're not human, the bones are too small.' She explained. In truth Jasmine had no idea if they'd just walked into a human bone pit, but she knew riling Samey up wouldn't be a good idea.

The next thing to draw their eyes was a tattered blanket spread over the ground.

Samey knelt down and picked up the soft material. She glanced up at Jasmine. 'Do you think?'

She nodded. 'I do. I think someone's been living here.'

Fear washed over Samey. 'We've got to leave.'

Jasmine nodded before they heard a noise. A footstep. Her eyes went wide and she ducked behind a pile of bones, Samey mirroring her on the opposite side of the room.

They expected a beast to enter, and they got one.

Surprised Jasmine sucked a breath in as a young woman entered. She had long blonde hair which fell loosely behind her back, the ends splitting. She was wearing tattered black and grey clothes, and her eyes were bloodshot. The woman was pale and looked like she might once have been beautiful.

Samey gasped and the woman looked up, but she didn't seem to take any notice as she picked up a bone, clamping down on it for any remaining food.

Jasmine noticed a gun in the woman's back pocket, after seeing her mental state however she was surprised she could still use it.

The woman snarled. The echo filling the cabin. Jasmine closed her eyes, wondering how long they were going to have to endure this.

Leave in the comments the saddest death in all three books so far, I'd love to know your opinions!

Also who do you reckon this new woman is?

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