Chapter 9

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Samey and Jasmine were trailing the woman when she shot at their four friends. Samey had almost jumped out to warn them when she saw Shawn in the distance, but Jasmine had stopped her, knowing it wouldn't be smart to reveal their position as from what they'd seen this woman was fast, and she she must have had good senses to be able to find the four of their friends.
When the woman shot at the group both fell back in shock. They watched as Shawn, Sky and Dave sprinted off, Shawn dropping Ella in the process.
Samey and Jasmine watched in horror as the blonde woman pulled ahead, swiftly and elegantly making her way onto the beach. Getting closer they saw as she peered down on a frozen Ella, stamping on her face hard. The woman knelt down by the near corpse, placing a hand over her mouth. She writhed about before returning to being completely still.
'Ella...' Samey whispered.
'We have to find the others.' Jasmine told her. 'Warn them.'
Samey nodded and she headed through the foliage, the Australian just behind her.
Amy and Topher were tired. They'd spent all their energy running away from whatever shot Rodney that they were now completely spent.
'Do you know where we are?' Amy asked in whiny voice which Topher was growing to avoid.
'No.' He replied simply.
Amy scoffed but continued to follow him, knowing she wouldn't fair anything better alone.
The two had hoped that Scarlett had finished fixing the boat so they could get the hell of the island, they knew they were being hunted, and the only way out was to escape.
'I think it's ready.' Scarlett said to herself and Beardo and Sugar got up and joined her.
'We can leave?' Sugar asked.
Scarlett nodded, and she jumped on, Beardo just behind her.
'Now we wait.' Scarlett stated impatiently.
It didn't take too long for Dave, Sky and Shawn to come running through.
'Run!' Shawn yelled.
'From what?' Sugar asked.
Before anyone could answer her a bullet shot past her into Dave's back, and he arched backwards, falling face first into the ground.
Sugar didn't need an answer as she sprinted off as well, following Shawn and Sky.
Scarlett didn't need to be told twice and she jumped into the front of the boat, turning it on.
Beardo noticed what she was doing and he looked at her.
'We can't wait.' She explained.
Beardo nodded as he clambered onto the boat behind.
Scarlett moved to the controller as she manually set the boat up. 'Come on.' She muttered to herself as she attempted starting it.
Finally the young woman pulled the boat out and she pulled it away from the island. She didn't truely want to leave the others behind, but she felt she had no choice. Dave has just been shot and she needed to get away.
She glanced back behind her and her eyes went wide. Beardo tumbled over the edge, a blood wound in the back of the head.
'Fuck.' She muttered racing ahead, speeding away from the island.

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