Chapter 12

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Topher silently followed Jasmine and Samey, as they trudged far into the forest. They'd given a more detailed description of the woman, and he'd been informed that she was very dangerous. Samey has described her as being almost ravenous, and animal-like.

Jasmine stopped and Samey squeezed her hand, which didn't go unnoticed by him. He wondered if something had happened between them, but he decided to push it to the back of his mind, there were more important stuff to think about.

The three moved forward as they delved further into the woods.


Sky saw light as she pulled her weak body out of the dark forestry. She'd heard Sugar's murderer before she'd seen her. A crazed blonde woman with long hair with strands ripped out. Her eyes were crazed and she was practically naked.

Hearing a low growl, Sky pushed forward, desperately wanting to catch up with Shawn.

Suddenly the young woman was grabbed by the beast, and she was pulled up. 'Shawn!' She screeched, but it didn't help as the young man had pulled too far ahead to hear or care about her scream.

The blonde woman gripped her and she shoved her gun against Sky's neck. Sky wriggled and she tried to writhe free but the woman pulled the gun at her, and she fell.


Shawn heard the gunshot and he ran to the beach, unsure about what he was going to do next. He desperately looked around to see where to go when he heard a noise. He glanced into the horizon. A boat! He looked on at Scarlett who'd returned!

The ginger pulled the boat to the beach, but before Shawn could react, three figures sprinted out of the woods behind him.

Jasmine was practically dragging Topher and Samey to the boat. They'd passed Sky's corpse, and the woman had started chasing them.

'Get in!' Jasmine yelled, racing ahead.

Scarlett watched on as the four of them started racing towards and clambering onto the boat. Her eyes went wide as she saw a woman leaving the woods towards them. 'Run!' She yelled, ducking behind a piece of wood.

Jasmine jumped over the railing as a bullet shot past her, Samey just behind her.

Topher struggled up and a bullet buried itself into his foot. He screamed out, letting go, but Shawn and Jasmine pulled him up. Another bullet shot past, and Jasmine yelled as she slung Topher over.

Samey pointed down and screamed. Shawn has a bullet buried in his head.

'He's dead!' Samey screeched.

Scarlett ran to the controls and she started steering the boat away from the island. 'Is this everyone?'

'No! Amy's still out there!' Samey told her.

Scarlett grit her teeth as she turned the boat back to the island.

Out of the remaining 5, who would you want to live the most?

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