Chapter 10

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Jasmine and Samey watched in horror as Scarlett steered the boat away.
The woman they'd seen had left as well, seemingly on the trail of the three who had ran off.
'She- She's gone...' Samey whispered, slumping down defeated.
'Samey.' Jasmine muttered. 'We'll find away off this island.'
'How?' The kind twin asked. 'Our way out of here's gone.'
Jasmine knelt down by Samey and she looked into her eyes. The two girls stared straight at each other, and Jasmine's tough look softened. Samey's frown curved slightly upwards and they spent a moment just gazing at each other.
'I'll protect you.' Jasmine whispered.
Samey smiled slightly and she nodded, standing up. 'What do we need to do?'
Jasmine smiled at her enthusiasm. 'We're going to presume everyone else is still alive, and find them.' She told her. 'We're going to kill that woman.'
Samey nodded but quickly stopped. 'But she has a gun.'
'We'll find a way to kill her.' She told Samey.
Samey nodded and she helped pull her up. 'Let's go.'
The two girls held hands and headed for the forest. Prepared to taken on whatever would be thrown at them.
Sugar tumbled behind Shawn and Sky. The bigger girl was winded and she didn't know if she could take much more running.
Speeding further into the gap between the three of them was becoming greater when they came to a halt.
'Shit.' Sky called out stopping at a giant crevasse.
Sky and Shawn desperately looked for a way over it. Glancing down they were stunned and Sky headed off to the right, the other two behind her.

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