Chapter 14

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Jasmine held the umbrella over her head, it was raining heavily.

Jasmine places the dandelions down on Samey's grave. She'd managed to bring her body back and bury her. Topher had buried Shawn in the same graveyard.

Jasmine silently walked away from the gravestone. She kept in loose contact with Topher, they hadn't talked too much in awhile though.

She had no idea where Scarlett was or if she was even okay. Apparently Topher hasn't talked to her too much either, but this didn't surprise her.

Jasmine headed back home, taking her umbrella down. She let the rain fall down her hair and onto her face. Jasmine knee there was no use in crying, it wouldn't bring Samey back. She wanted to avenge her, but she didn't want to push her luck with the Authorities. She'd gone once and told them what happened, but she knew she wasn't believed. It was after that she had last seen Scarlett. The young woman and waited outside and told her it was best not to do that again- so she wouldn't get locked up. Jasmine reluctantly agreed and Scarlett had given her some sort of comfort by telling her she was working on finding out who had killed Samey.

Jasmine appreciated this. She didn't know if Scarlett could help her, but she knew they had to try.

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