How did I end up here?

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They were giggling wildly when they stepped off the elevator and onto the eleventh floor of Ariana's apartment building. They shared the elevator with a tiny older woman who was inadequately curbing her enormous dog. The huge Basset Hound was lavishing his amorous affections on Jai's leg for the entire ride and nothing the three humans were doing could convince him to stop. When the doors opened on Ariana's floor, she grabbed Jai's hand and literally pulled him away from his unwanted suitor. After the short walk to her apartment, they both suddenly became quiet as she fumbled around for the key. Finally, she opened the door and ushered him inside. It was pleasantly cool in the apartment and she closed the door, separating them from the hall light and plunging them into darkness, the only light coming from the uncovered window which lined the entire outside wall of the living room.

Ariana had every intention of being a good hostess and showing Jai around her magnificent, if small, Central Park West apartment, of offering him something to drink, of talking and getting caught up on their mutual lives since high school. Instead, after she relocked the door, he flipped her around and slammed her against it plunging his mouth down on hers. Her mouth responded hungrily to the thrusts of his probing tongue. He stroked and tasted and tested her until he was forced to pause to catch his breath. Lowering his head he pressed his face into her neck. While her hands closed around the back of his head and her fingers combed through his hair, he kissed his way up to her ear.

"This is crazy", he whispered.


"It's rash and reckless and..."

"Totally irresponsible."

"But I can't help it."

"Neither can I."

"I want so much to..."

"I want you to", she sighed as his hands slipped inside her dress and covered her breasts.


"Unng", Jai moaned as the blindingly bright light of the bathroom assaulted his retinas. Instinctively, he closed the bathroom door behind him as he entered. After all, until very recently, he had been married to a very light sleeper. Therefore, he left the bedroom still bathed in delicious darkness.

He groped his way over to the sink and ran water into his cupped hands, gulping down the tap water to combat his alcohol-induced dehydration. The cool liquid also felt great on his face and helped him wake up and remember with some embarrassment how he came to be in Ariana Grande's bathroom at five o'clock in the morning. Despite his chagrin, an involuntary smile snaked its way across his face when he thought about his former schoolmate. As he splashed more water on his face, Jai let out a groan when his back overstretched. The bathroom was practically wall-to-wall mirrors, so he had no trouble getting a look at the long scratch marks streaking down his back.

"Once a Wildcat, always a Wildcat." Wasn't that what the feisty little brunette had said to him last night?

Damn, but this night was just what he needed. Ivy had never been as uninhibited as Ariana ... Ivy. Okay, stupid idea to think of your wife, correction, ex-wife, when you're standing naked in another woman's bathroom. Jai sank down onto the toilet seat as he remembered some of the more salient aspects of the past six months dealing with Ivy and their issues.


"Do you have any idea how ridiculous you look?", Jai asked with a roll of his eyes. He walked into the bedroom, wearing nothing but a towel tied around his waist. His hair was still wet from the shower and he was vigorously toweling it dry with small hand towel. He looked over at his wife of three years and continued to chuckle.

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