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"I know I shouldn't have done it. I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist."

Joan Grande was trying to look apologetic as she heaved a huge plastic bag into Ariana's living room, but she couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Things had definitely changed in her attitude towards her first grandchild. Partial credit for this change, Ariana knew, had to be given to Frankie. In December, the siblings took their annual Christmas trip to LA; family traditions were very important to their mother. Yes, the three of them, Ariana, Frankie and Donny arrived at the Grande household, arms full of presents and hearts full of hope. After Frankie introduced his 'soul mate' to his parents, Ariana's announcement about her baby wasn't much of a shock and it gave her mother something to focus on besides Frankie's burgeoning romance with Donny. Although the three of them, Frankie, Donny and Joan did enjoy daily Tai Chi classes together. Joan had moved on from yoga.

"Mom..." Ariana tried to sound stern, but her heart wasn't in it.

Ariana had been dying to buy things for the baby, but Jai wouldn't let her. He suddenly decided he was superstitious and stated firmly that neither of them could buy anything for the baby or the nursery until she was in her eighth month. It was such a struggle to walk past Baby Gap and their gorgeous tiny sleepers, such a struggle not to let her finger slip when her mouse pointer was poised on the "Add to Cart" button while she was browsing through the baby furniture section online. So when Joan pulled out a tiny little gauzy pale yellow dress with matching yellow booties, she swooned with excitement. And when she pulled out a pink and white striped sleeper, Ariana almost passed out with joy.

"Aren't they gorgeous?", Joan exclaimed with delight. "Aren't they the most beautiful things you've ever seen?"

"They're so tiny", Ariana whispered, rubbing her stomach as the baby protested by delivering a swift kick under her ribs.

"Is she kicking?" Joan stopped stock still as Ariana continued to rub her stomach, trying to calm the baby. It wasn't painful, but the shock always took her breath away.

"It's not necessarily a she, you know." Although deep inside, she was absolutely convinced it was a girl. "And yes ... she's kicking."

"Can I feel?", Joan asked in awe and she moved over to sit next to her daughter, placing her hand on Ariana's stomach. "Awww", she gasped as she felt the baby kick.

They both started smiling broadly.

"Don't cry", Ariana warned as tears started to fill Joan's eyes.

"I can't help it." She laughed as the tears starting flowing down her cheeks. "It's just so amazing."

"The amazing thing is that you felt anything at all. Every time Jai's around and the baby starts kicking, as soon as he puts his hand on my stomach, the baby stops." Ariana slumped into the sofa, pouting a little.

"How is Jai?", Joan asked fondly, speaking of him as if he was her favorite son-in-law even though she hasn't seen him since high school graduation.

It was strange that they hadn't seen each other again, but Ariana didn't think it was really all that important. He wasn't her boyfriend and she wasn't looking for her mother's approval. And besides, Joan was only in town for a short visit and Ariana really wanted to keep her to herself. Joan routinely took shopping trips to New York City to catch the latest seasonal fashions and this trip was to prepare her spring wardrobe ... and indulge her grandchild-to-be with some essential purchases.

"He's fine."

"You're seeing a lot of him, aren't you? Are you... I mean, have you... well, you know..." She gave her daughter a knowing look.

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