Why are we fighting?

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"It's a boy", Ariana said into her cellphone. She was standing in the waiting room of Labor and Delivery with a gaggle of grandparents and friends of the family of what, seemed like, every pregnant woman in New York City.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you", Jai said over the line.

"It's fine, Jai. Not like it's my baby or anything", she still sounded a little bitter. "Although at least 25 people have asked me if I'm in labor since I walked into this hospital. Who ever said pregnancies last nine months were wrong. They last eight months and two years because this last month is endless. And don't you think it's the height of rudeness to go into labor at someone else's baby shower? I mean ... really!"

"It's horrible, Ariana. Worse than ...", he struggled to find an appropriate analogy, "wearing white after Labor Day."

"What?", she snapped. "That so ... old school, Jai. You can wear white whenever you want now days. What are you thinking?"

She heard the sigh before he replied. "I have no idea, babe. Hey, is the baby okay since it's so early?"

Surprisingly grateful at not having to talk to her beloved about women's fashion, Ariana happily delivered the good news. "The doctor said he's fine, even though the baby's a month early. Since Gisele's such an amazon anyway, he's plenty big and very healthy. And she had a disgustingly short labor."

"That's great and I should be home next week. I really miss you." Jai's sport show was broadcasting live from Las Vegas for the start of the College Final Four basketball tournament and since Jai was the 'basketball guy', he couldn't get out of it.

Ariana's voice softened immediately. "I miss you too." She was about to expound on the many things about him that she missed when she looked up and saw Frankie and Donny rushing toward her with concerned looks on their faces. "Jai, I need to go now. Frankie and Donny are here. I'll call you again when I get home. Love you." She ended the call just as she was engulfed in a double helping of brotherly love.

"We were so worried, Ari!", Frankie exclaimed. "Shouldn't you be sitting down?"

"Shouldn't you be pushing or grunting or something?", Donny added as they finally released her from the group hug. "Or panting", he added belatedly.

"I'm not in labor. Whatever gave you that idea?", Ariana asked while dragging both of them out the automatic doors and toward the snack bar where they could talk without disturbing the entire hospital.

Frankie gave Donny a knowing look. "I told you she wasn't in labor. Two days ago, the baby hadn't even dropped."

"Well, excuse me, Dr. Doug Ross. I forgot you were such an expert, but her message said she was in labor."

"I did not. I said we were on our way to the hospital and that Gisele was in labor."

Frankie piped up with, "I always thought George Clooney was hot, so anytime you want to compare me to him is fine, Donny."

"Hang on one second", Donny said. He pulled out his cellphone and started tapping the screen before lifting the phone to his ear and listening. His expression changed to one of extreme meekness. "Oh. She said she's on her way to the hospital and Gisele is in labor. Oh, don't look at me like that. I've never been an uncle before. I'm a nervous wreck here, people!" He ran a jittery hand through his short spiky, auburn hair.

Donny was just so cute when he was nervous. Ariana had to smile as she pulled him into as much of a hug as she could manage. "I've missed you so much, Donny. Work's no fun without you around."

It still amazed her at how well Donny and Frankie fit together. Frankie was just a half-inch taller than Donny and his green eyes matched his auburn hair color as well as Frankie's brown eyes matched his blonde. It was a shame that they couldn't reproduce. Their children would undoubtedly be beautiful. Ariana had to mentally slap herself for having such an absurd hormonal moment.

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