Best Man

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I love this story and I just want to keep updating for you guys so HERES ANOTHER MINI MARATHON.


The bedside phone blared throughout the silent, darkened room and Ariana's hand groped blindly around on the nightstand until she found it.

"Hello?", she mumbled into the handset.

"Ariana!", Donny's voice shouted back at her. "Oh my God, Frankie! I've got her!", his voice sounded muffled for a second and then came back. "We've been trying to reach you for hours on your cell. Finally, I got a hold of Gisele, who called Dianna Brooks. Did you know that Gisele's Aunt and Dianna's mother were roommates in college?"

"What do you want, Donny?", Ariana snapped while she popped open one eye to look at the clock. "Do you know it's 4:30 in the morning?"

"I'll get Frankie. He can explain everything."

Frankie's voice quickly replaced Donny's. "Ariana! I'm so excited! I need you to get here as soon as you can." She could hear the happiness in his voice and could just imagine the huge smile on his face. Even so, it was still 4:30 in the morning and she hadn't gotten much sleep last night.

"Who's on the phone?", came the gravelly male voice from behind her.

"It's just Frankie, Jai. Go back to sleep."

"Jai?" Frankie sounded like his voice had just risen two octaves. "Oh God, Donny! Donny! She's finally sleeping with Jai!"

"Fran...kie", she groaned.

"Sorry, but your news is almost as exciting as mine." She could hear him taking a deep breath. "We're getting married!"


"Donny and I are getting married and I want you to be my best man."

Ariana opened her eyes completely at this statement and struggled to sit up in bed. "You what?"

"Donny and I are getting married and I want you to be my best man", he happily repeated. "We're flying to Vermont in an hour and we'll meet you at LaGuardia." Frankie then explained to her the details of the trip, including the flight number and departure time.

Thirty minutes later, Jai and Ariana were sitting in a taxi heading to LaGuardia Airport. Luckily, Jai had been able to reach Betty's owner who agreed to watch the dogs while they were gone. Although, Jai was pretty sure this would obligate him for another month of dogsitting.

"Vermont? Why can't he just go to Connecticut? They recognize gay marriage."

"I don't know, Jai. He said something about honeymooning at a ski lodge."

"Skiiing?", Jai's eyes lit up. "You didn't tell me there would be skiing. I should have brought my snowboard."

Ariana didn't bother to answer him since she couldn't go skiing at this point in her life anyway. She grabbed onto his arm and snuggled into him instead.

"Thanks for going with me."

"There is no way I'd let the mother of my child go traipsing off to Vermont without me. Especially, after last night..."

"That was ... wow. Thank you", Ariana lifted her head up to meet his lips in a slow, sweet kiss.

"I think I'm the one who's supposed to say thank you", Jai finally said after the kiss ended.


"How much further?", Ariana grumbled as Donny drove so painstakingly slowly that Ariana was sure she could walk faster.

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