Shes ready to Talk

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Ariana still wasn't sure why she agreed to have the scan. She was tired; it had been a long day; and she felt so ... comfortable, so ... nurtured that she didn't want to spoil it all by having an argument. She really could see that Jai would be a wonderful father, which helped. She supposed she never really thought about the reality of the situation before. She'd only thought that she'd be stuck with a child she didn't want, that she'd turn into a stressed out, single mother who tried desperately to juggle her child with a career and a string of unsuitable boyfriends.

But after that day at Jai's, after seeing what he was like, where he lived, how he lived, she could see that she wouldn't be on her own and more than that, she could see that it wouldn't have been fair to deprive him of what he so desperately wanted.

They could share a child. Maybe Jai would have the child during the week and she'd have it on the weekends. A picture of a little girl who looked just like Ariana, sprang into her head - a little girl wearing frilly pink dresses and little patented leather Mary-Janes, with her curly brown hair in pig tails. Her little girl would be so sweet and good that everyone would stop to smile at them, marvel at how Ariana Grande, the head of Valentine Modeling Agency, ... if you're going to have a fantasy, there's no point in being half-assed about it ... managed to bring up such a well-behaved child. She'd be the perfect accessory. They would go to the park wearing big boots and wool hats and handsome single men would find them irresistible. Then, they'd spend their evenings reading Dr. Seuss in front of the fire. Ariana could teach her everything she knew, watch her grow into a little person with her own thoughts, own opinions and Ariana could stand back proudly as she grew into a beautiful woman.

Mmmm... The thought of a little Ariana was really rather appealing.

So when Jai gently suggested that it might be a good idea to see a doctor and have an ultrasound, Ariana agreed. Although it didn't mean she'd made a decision. It didn't mean she was definitely keeping the baby. Not ... definitely.


"Can you see the leg move?"

Ariana was lying down on the table, craning her neck around to see the screen while the technician pressed down on her stomach and kept her eye on the screen, stopping only to take measurements.

Jai sat next to her, holding her hand, which in other circumstances she might not like, but now was enormously reassuring. They both stared at the screen and Ariana had no idea what the technician was talking about because she couldn't see anything at all other than a greenish tunnel.

Suddenly, her heart flipped over; Jai and she gasped and squeezed each other's hands tightly.

"Oh, my God", they whispered in unison. "Did you see that?"

Suddenly, the screen became clear like one of those optical illusions where if you stare at it the right way, the picture revealed itself. There was a tiny leg kicking up in the air and they followed the leg up as they started to find the shape of a baby ... their baby.

"Oh, my God", Ariana repeated as she quickly came to the realization that there was a living being inside of her. She turned quickly to Jai who had tears in his eyes and a huge smile on his face. They grinned wordlessly at one another before they turned quickly back to the screen so they didn't miss anything.

"Can you see the spine?" The technician pressed the wand down and to the left and pointed to the screen.

Ariana nodded, a lump suddenly in her throat.

"Oops, baby's on the move!", she laughed.

Ariana watched in awe as an arm stretched out and the baby arched its back. She started to laugh and ... cry.

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