Cash Cab

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"Let's take a ride in the Cash Cab", Ben Bailey said as he pulled the minivan into traffic. "Here we go, so what are your names?" His tone was very light and conversational as he somehow managed to carry on a seemingly normal conversation with his two passengers and navigate the crowded streets of New York City at the same time.

Ariana took a deep breath. Today had been one of the most stressful she had experienced in past six months. What had started out as slightly nauseating cramps had grown into full blown and very intense contractions. However, despite all this, she knew exactly where she was ... she was on television. Therefore, Ariana flashed him her very best 'see my name in lights' smile and said brightly, "My name is Ariana." She turned irritatingly to Jai when he missed his cue.

"Ummm, I'm Jai", Jai said slowly and carefully, still not quite believing what they were about to do.

Bailey's eyes shot up in recognition. "Jai? Oh my God, man! You're Jai Brooks! Hey, man. I never missed your show which is really embarrassing since it comes on at the same time as mine. Oh, I've got to ask you this." The cab driver/host was becoming more and more excited. "What was it like interviewing Shaq? He's like ... the greatest player in ..."

"Excuse me!", Ariana interrupted. "Aren't we supposed to be playing a game here?" Jai didn't even want to be here and now he was getting all the attention. This really pissed her off.

"Oh, sure honey. Sorry about that." He smiled a Ariana in the rear-view mirror and glanced back at Jai. "This your wife?"

"Uh, no", Jai answered, a little nervously. "She's my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? Man, she's about ready to pop. Aren't you going to do right by her?"

"Hello?", Ariana exclaimed sarcastically. "Gameshow here, people!"

"Oh, right. Sorry about that. Anyway, you guys are heading over to Roosevelt Hospital. What? Are you going to have that baby tonight?" He asked jokingly.

"Yes", they both answered simultaneously.

"You're kidding ... because I was kidding."

"No", Jai answered calmly. "She's in labor."

"Shit!", Bailey exclaimed. "Don't worry about that. They'll bleep it out later. A baby. That's cool. Really, it is and you could probably use a little cash then, right?" Ariana nodded excitedly. Jai looked slightly ill. Bailey looked down at the GPS display. "It looks like we've got a 31 block ride, so let's get started. These first questions are worth $50 a piece. Here's your first one; you guys ready?"

"Yes." "Yep."

"Alright, here we go ... Made with espresso, milk and foam, what caffeinated Italian drink takes its name from an order of Franciscan friars?"

Ariana smiled. "Cappuccino", she said confidently.

"Cappuccino", Jai echoed, looking at the driver. Jai, due to his position on the right side of the van, was designated as the official answer-giver. It was easier for Ben to make eye contact with him; plus the camera angle was better.

"Cappuccino is correct and you're on the board with 50 bucks."

"Yes!", exclaimed Ariana with a big grin on her face. Even Jai smiled a little as the ceiling lit up in celebration with her.

"You're one for one, so let's go two for two. A bargain on the streets of Bangkok... abdominoplasti is a cosmetic procedure better known by what alliterative name?"

"That would be a tummy tuck, Ben", Ariana answered casually as she started to cross her legs and then stopped as she realized she couldn't physically do that anymore since the baby had dropped five days ago in preparation for delivery. She smiled over at Jai and regretted that he was the one sitting in the 'hot-seat'. She raised her eyebrows at him, motioning for him to answer.

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